Sets [M21] M21 Previews!

Came in to post the dumb green piece of shit.

Do you think they randomly added enough text to it to make it playable? Might as well just reprint Questing Beast in every set forever and save yourselves the trouble of buying new art, because we know this took no time to develop.

Chris Taylor

Honestly while I know Questing Beast has his misgivings, I look fondly on the card. It was surprisingly fair in standard. Eminently killable, and not fully dodging but making akward a lot of the things that would make playing an "expensive" green creature a bad idea.

So maybe I'm willing to give this a shot. I actually think Vivien, Monsters' Advocate is a more egregious card TBH
This thing doesn't have any haste or an ETB. It's just a big dumb green Baneslayer if you're into that sort of thing. Green doesn't get many Baneslayers, most of its premier cards are Mulldrifters. I'm not sure green really wants a Baneslayer, but it might be worth testing.


"See the Truth"


Look at the top three cards of your library. Put one of those cards into your hand, and the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order. If you cast this spell from anywhere besides your hand, instead put all three cards into your hand.

This is probably Anticipate most of the time, but when it's not it is spicy indeed.
View attachment 3226
Why is wizards doing this stuff?
There is no creativity in pushing these cards
What is the gain of this? Was standard never fun without these?

My biggest complain is that hilariously pushed cards totally ruin limited games. This one at least dies to removal, but id you can't kill a 6 toughness beater right away you'll lose

Quick comparison to other recent 3GG creatures with some of the same abilities:

Crested Herdcaller
Vigilant Baloth
Arborback Stomper
Keeper of Fables
Silverback Shaman

The comparison only gets sillier if you look at 4GG creatures and see how much weaker they are.

Rares and mythics willl be pushed, but I find this big of a power level difference to be pretty annoying. I just won't buy the card. If the cheaper cards are the ones I like, that's great.


"See the Truth"


Look at the top three cards of your library. Put one of those cards into your hand, and the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order. If you cast this spell from anywhere besides your hand, instead put all three cards into your hand.

This is probably Anticipate most of the time, but when it's not it is spicy indeed.

now that's a strong goblin dark-dwellers target. Also really good with the red exile-"draw" effect.
View attachment 3226

Why is wizards doing this stuff?
There is no creativity in pushing these cards
What is the gain of this? Was standard never fun without these?

My biggest complain is that hilariously pushed cards totally ruin limited games. This one at least dies to removal, but id you can't kill a 6 toughness beater right away you'll lose

This seems like an even more awful version of Thragtusk. Not as much guaranteed value, but god does that run away WAY to quickly. It's just a big dumb idiot card!

I'm ehhh on the pro-multicolor trinket text, but I like the rest of it. Cool card that has a blend of counters and token interactions + pseudo-wrath insurance. Also a human to boot, so you get some nasty stuff with Champion of the Parish and Thalia's Lieutenant. Curving into it in GW Midrange is an option with Pelt Collector, Merfolk Branchwalker and Jadelight Ranger. Finally there's some shenanigans to be had with everyone's favorite creepy looking slenderman cosplay Soulherder.

Note that it doesn't say non-token, so if you can put counters on your tokens those will also trigger the token generation upon death.

EDIT: Just realized trinket text prevents Soulherder stuff because it targets. Protection sucks.
I like Bodyguard way more because of the Human subtype and 2/1 body which make it relevant with other cards. A 1/1 is kind of anemic by comparison.

If they print enough cards to where dogs are a thing that matter in Cube, then great for people who want to add this, but good doggo memes don't really do it for me.

Chris Taylor

Don't get me wrong, I love the 2/1 on dauntless as well, but there is cost in that you have to play it after something you want to protect, where as benevolent bodyguard/doggo here don't have that restriction.
After that you get to ask do I want dog to protect from sweepers or benevolent bodyguard for the sometimes evasion/aura removal that protection gives you
That's fair.

I guess I'm considering the base body more highly as well. The dog is only good as insurance for another creature since a 1/1 isn't doing much proactively, Bodyguard lets you chip in early for 2 damage if it ends up being your only early drop in hand, turns into protection for your T1 play if you deployed it on T2. I just prefer the card that has more possible base applications.

Chris Taylor

My gut says no, but 1 mana is a lot better than 2.
IIRC from last time I checked I kinda wanted "Sacrifice a creature or pay 2" like effect, since it was just dead a decent amount of the time, even with aristocrats as the archetype of choice

Dom Harvey

View attachment 3226

Why is wizards doing this stuff?
There is no creativity in pushing these cards
What is the gain of this? Was standard never fun without these?

My biggest complain is that hilariously pushed cards totally ruin limited games. This one at least dies to removal, but id you can't kill a 6 toughness beater right away you'll lose

Cards like this (and Baneslayer Angel) are essentially unplayable in Standard and have been for a while. That's part of the problem!

"It's really fun to play with cards that are a little bit expensive that involve investment and risk.
Baneslayer Angel gets brought up a lot as that kind of card - sometimes you play it and you run away with the
game - your opponent can't kill it and you're coasting. Sometimes what happens is they kill it and you're actually behind - they used a Doom Blade and cast a Divination. The range on the card going anywhere from bad (because it lost value on the way) to 'I won the game' and all the things that happen in the middle - that's really good, that's really replayable... Ravenous Chupacabra is the exact type of card that makes sure Baneslayers can't show up in decks and Standard is already too long on the Baneslayers not being good enough to play in decks... wouldn't it be cool if [Azor, the Lawbringer] was good enough to play? You play it and cross your fingers hoping to untap and if I untap it's awesome and if my opponent has a particular answer it's actively bad for me. That's drama and tension in gameplay. Instead, of course I'm playing with Torrential Gearhulk. I'm not going to commit something to the table on my main phase that requires me to tap out and doesn't generate immediate value. Why would I ever do that? I really wish we were sculpting a world where things like [Azor] were the finisher you wanted and not Torrential Gearhulk"

This seems pretty cool. Exciting that some combinations allow this to be cast as early as turn 3 (T2 is more like magical christmas land territory), but even on turn 5+ it's quite a push to go "burn to face + 6/6, beat that." There's also the interesting sequencing decision of when to cast you burn spells - when you first have mana, when you can use it to ramp Chandra's Incinerator out, or after it's on the board? Fun with:
My gut says no, but 1 mana is a lot better than 2.
IIRC from last time I checked I kinda wanted "Sacrifice a creature or pay 2" like effect, since it was just dead a decent amount of the time, even with aristocrats as the archetype of choice

Isn't it a lot easier to cast this in response to removal if you a deck with several bodies? 2 mana is much harder to keep up.
Is it just me that finds the template weird?

M21 is not a Chandra focused set. It is a Teferi focused set but Chandra is in it (so a liiiittle focus on Chandra)
Spellbook Chandra has just been fully revealed a few days ago and the cards had that exact template.

Doesn’t it make the Spellbook cards a little less special if a M21 cars also has that template?