Add another to the pile, if you're a lifegain-matters kinda builder:I will say that this set is pretty stacked for black 3 drops, though

Add another to the pile, if you're a lifegain-matters kinda builder:I will say that this set is pretty stacked for black 3 drops, though
Add another to the pile, if you're a lifegain-matters kinda builder:
And heroic support!
My cube is not cool enough to run tight themes like +1/+1 counters, Dimir Saboteurs, Aristocrats etc. so instead I run brought themes. My blue theme is flash.
View attachment 3240
This card might be a bit expensive but I think it is quite cool. My guess is the first two options could just as well be a ‘Choose one’ because they will very rarely be chosen for the same spell. It has sort of a Casualties of War/Cryptic Command feel to it.
Do you guys think it is too expensive/not interesting?
Super agree Onde and Mr Train.
Very expensive and with huge blowout potential. I saw someone writing he was most looking forward to murdering an opponent’s attack by bouncing an attacking dude while creating a copy of a dude to completely wipe one side of the board during enemy attack phase.
My guess is the first two options could just as well be a ‘Choose one’ because they will very rarely be chosen for the same spell.
The situation where I could see both being used is against a “spells matter” deck: counter an instant and the Young Pyromancer token too. The trouble is, that is the archetype that might be most keen to play this card.
I've been waiting for a more playable version of Azorius Aethermage in U/W for quite some time! At least to me, "gating" is a fun mechanic that has a lot of room to grow. Great signal card for it!
Yep, love Barrin, excellent design!
Also, six extra shrines! And the uncommon cycle has haikus for flavor text! <3
Also also, this is a cool design! Great crossover for discard matters and ninja's, with a touch of hate bear thrown in!
View attachment 3242
Super agree Onde and Mr Train.
Key To The City on a Piker. Neat! Just as this was spoiled I was fanning through scryfall to find playable spirits for my environment to turn on Shacklegeist. I have so many new inclusions from this set now! :eek:Also also, this is a cool design! Great crossover for discard matters and ninja's, with a touch of hate bear thrown in!