Sets [MCD] Theros previews

Xenagos makes me feel like playing a gruul planswalker deck with domri, him, new garruck and a boatload of pocket army creatures and cantrippers. and dragons, lets not forget the stormbreath.


I think Xenagos is really good. Unfortunately he costs the same amount as any Cube card ($20, or 2RG)

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
As the defacto leader of the OG Garruk fan club, I have to say I love Xenagos's design, too. Generating mana as a plus ability feels very powerful, and while a hasty 2/2 bear is probably worse than a 3/3 beast in the midgame, that it doesn't cost any loyalty is mind-boggling.

The Selesnya and Simic guilds are probably bawling right now.


As the defacto leader of the OG Garruk fan club, I have to say I love Xenagos's design, too. Generating mana as a plus ability feels very powerful, and while a hasty 2/2 bear is probably worse than a 3/3 beast in the midgame, that it doesn't cost any loyalty is mind-boggling.

The Selesnya and Simic guilds are probably bawling right now.

I don't know about Simic, but I'm pretty sure G/W doesn't mind, what with its 78236892357890 great cards.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member



eric: 0 for a hasty satyr is way better than -1 for a beast. the +s are roughly as good, the ultimate is clearly worse than OG's "play garruk, hold open mana leak, overrun" but serviceable. i think he's better because -1'ing garruk made it really tough to justify doing anything but continuing to -1

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Oh man, the UB planeswalker looks sweet!

Lots of the cards in the set look sweet, but this is one I'll actually add to my cube.
I think I'm going to have to start dreaming up some sweet Bloodwitch X Murder King fan-art. I always thought she'd be more useful if scaled into a 2 drop.

I'm sad the blue black guy seems to only have one line, but I'm sorta glad they've given them a grindy advantage generator that doesn't work on the back of small attacking creatures. So you activate her twice and you hope you've found a 4-6 drop?


Well sure, but that was just a mistake, back in the day.
Grizzly Bears was in Alpha after all.
I think you misunderstood me. What I meant was that there was a time when Scarwood Goblins was a good enough card to win tournaments with (Grizzly Bear can't be used to cast The Best Burn Card Ever Printed). When I was looking for an efficient body that couldn't be Hydroblasted or stopped by Circle of Protection: Red Grizzly Bears and Elvish Archers were both on the table. Nowadays, your elvish archers need to be with a free Thorn of Amethyst to be playable. Let's not even talk about what you get for free with a Grizzly Bear (insert any of three dozen pictures here).

What are people's thoughts on the Merfolk Token guy? I hate the pro red, but I think Sengir Autocrat gets much better if it makes 2/1s
Sad that you can't blink it though.

It's clearly good, but I clearly don't want an effect that seemingly hinges on color protection.


Yeah, looking like it's gonna be a cycle of mythic protection from a color dudes (the red dragon with pro-white and the fish, then presumably w/pro-b, b/pro-g, g/pro-u). cool. maybe there will be a "hexproof mythic" cycle in the next set and in the small set jace 6.0, the first planeswalker you can't attack

between modo matches posting here is a decent way to resist the urge to go to MTGS and yell at people on the legacy merfolk thread for having found an idea even dumber than "cutting merrow reejerey" viz. "including thassa"

I think Erebos is sweet though?


I think Erebos is sweet though?
I have no idea. Usually I can quickly form an opinion of a card pretty quickly and make a concise evaluation (even if it turns out to be wrong). With this card, I get all caught up in analogy and a constant torrent of varied situations that I can't do it. I mean, the value of this card from game to game varies drastically that it seems hard to get any sort of read on what it will do.

I mean it combines:

1) A bad version of Greed, which at one time was playable but now certainly isn't.
2) An overcosted sideboard effect that might do a little work or absolutely nothing
3) A cost efficient creature that looks hard to deal with, but actually has significant counterplay

Does combining those things make a sweet card? I really have no idea.