Everybody's cool. We're cool. Let's assume innocent until proven otherwise.
Alfonzo: tell me your thoughts on this guy from your list:
Alfonzo: tell me your thoughts on this guy from your list:
My opponent (and some other members of the peanut gallery) were commenting about how that was about the worst Mulch imaginable. Meanwhile, I was pretty happy with my Mulch as I knew it was going to allow me to gain an extra 12 life with the Gnaw to the Bone that was in my hand and generate an additional three (or six) 1/2 spiders when I eventually found my Spider Spawning.
I'm not alfonzo but i like this guy. I use him as part of a Bant combo-land package (key players being kotr, retreat to coralhelm, and scapeshift). He blocks, he mills your opponent, or he mills you if thats what you want. Kind of a safe wheel for sure, but one a blue control player (or the guy who p1p1'd kotr) is happy to see.Everybody's cool. We're cool. Let's assume innocent until proven otherwise.
Alfonzo: tell me your thoughts on this guy from your list:
I can confirm what Lucre is saying, that accidentally milling key cards in a singleton based format, is going to be a deal breaker for some drafters, if not objectively bad. No one wants resolving satyr wayfinder to randomly cost them games.
I mean, it's an emotion that's not based in statistics. Unless you have arranged your library somehow, its contents are random and milling a piece is not functionally really different from shuffling it to the bottom.
That said I'm reintroducing Regrowth to my format. That Morph Eternal Witness is also an option.
Is this you trying to be a cheeky chappy or are you just trying to be rude, as it comes across as rude?
I have a problem with this thinking though because it's not logical. What gets dumped to the graveyard is fundamentally not important. By that I mean, statistically speaking if your deck loses if you don't draw card X, it's going to lose an equal number of times with or without resolving Satyr Wayfinder simply because it's over dependent on finding a specific card. This is really not much different than running something like Farseek in your deck. Because you stand a roughly equal chance with that card of shuffling away your critical card (i.e. it ends up on the bottom half of your deck and you never draw it whereas you would have had you not shuffled). It just looks worse with wayfinder because you see the card in your yard and you know right up front you are screwed. Build a better deck.
Unless your library is very thin, though - i.e., less than ten cards - playing towards very specific top decks is a low percentage line, anyways. I understand that when you're way behind, a 4% chance of coming back is more than 0%, but I see it as more akin to conditional probability. That is to say, if you could view the top 5 cards of your remaining 20 card library, you would know your exact percentages of topdecking over the next few turns, and if the desired card isn't amongst them, you're actually 0% to win, not 4%.It is functionally different though, in the absence of the ability to recur from the yard: you lose the ability to ever play it. I understand the argument, but its not uncommon to base entire lines of play around potential top decks, especially when you are behind. Removing the potential to draw outs from certain situations can be a big deal. I'm glad to see though you are adding some recursive pieces to address that.
There are lots of cards that wouldn't be playable in other colours. Ponder and Preordain are among the best instances of the best effect in the best colour. 'Gather the Pack isn't as good as Brainstorm' isn't an argument against it; 90% of the cards in most of our Cubes are worse than Brainstorm.
The only time self-mill actually has a real negative effect is when you fail to find - you milled your last Island before you cracked Flooded Strand, or you dumped your Noble Hierarch before casting Green Sun's Zenith for 1. That sort of thing. But I think any graveyard shenanigans that you add to your cube more than make up for this downside.
Well have I ever! Necromancy deserves nothing but praise! There's two in my cube even!One of my biggest problems with mulch is that getting lands late in the game is damn near useless and binning my thragtusk is actively quite bad in most riptide cubes as everyone here seems to hate even the card necromancy.
We aren't strawmanning mulch, mulch is literally this depressing. I am just talking about how depressing mulch is because someone decided to argue with my example of how mulch can feel like a total trash baby.This is like that "can't block" argument from a page or two back. Why are we strawmanning Mulch here when that's not even a card actually being considered for inclusion?
Unless you're talking about mulch lol. Very little upside on that dude.
EDIT: I think I'm gonna start referring to any under-performing or disappointing card as Mulch from now on. Augur of Bolas not hitting this draft? He's Mulch now. Skirsdag High Priest just a 1/2 all match? Sounds like Mulch to me! Only have 2 drops to hit with your unburial rights? Mulch is letting you down again.
If you run shriekmaw and mulldrifter or any number of other cards that are fun and great and are modal you probably should be running necromancy.Well have I ever! Necromancy deserves nothing but praise! There's two in my cube even!
If you run shriekmaw and mulldrifter or any number of other cards that are fun and great and are modal you probably should be running necromancy.
If you are really that afraid of reanimator, I for one pity you, and I also think there is enough hot product enchantment hate and bounce (and removal duh) to make you feel comfortable with mild changes.
Now does anyone wana talk about running 2x goyf 2x compulsive or thirst?