Another day, another update.


Taking the shadow theme away from blue for a bit, and leaving it in just BW to see how that pans out, I really want to see some action going on there. Adding some better creatures and taking some shitty away. Dipped into 5th edition to try out phantasmal terrain for the islandhome theme in mono-ish blue, and added a few more discards for reanimating. Will also be adding Necromancy at some point. White got a big boost at the higher ccs with Exalted dragon and Archangel, and got humility which will make them both useless. Green got a bit of boost too, have some hope for lure of prey, seems like a fun card. Verdant force turn 4 anyone? Will have to see if earthcraft does anything, I guess I'll give it a few drafts. I might have to take this cube up to around 400 cards, just to be able to fit the cards I want to keep in it, or I might just take out the islandhome guys, even though I love them.