General New Format: Pioneer


Ecstatic Orb
Eric Twice

You will probably LOVE this Time Sidewalk from Wizards’ testing pile that will be released with the Mythic Boosters ;)

It hasn’t released yet so I won’t spoil in this thread but you can find it on MythicSpoilers by clicking here:

I like how it effectively makes you mulligan to add some insane cards to your deck every few games, while messing with your spells to land ratio in a pretty big way. This spell is less obviously good than people are going to assume :)
What exactly is their reasoning behind starting with RtR? It seems kinda random, but I bet they put some thoughts in it. I expected Pioneer to be something like the official Frontier, or just a larger standard/better extended.

Well, I'm not going to play it anyway :p
Nothing is better Extended than Extended was :p

I think starting with Return to Ravnica was done for several reasons:
1. The card pool is about as big as Modern was when it became a sanctioned format = Logic reason.

2. Return to Ravnica was very popular and sold really well = Marketing reason.

3. Modern card pool was the first 10 years of Magic. Pioneer is the next 10 = Mathematical reason.

Those would be my guesses
Return to Ravnica was the first set where they greatly increased their print runs to keep pace with Magic's growth from Zendikar forward. I don't know whether they've given this as a reason but it makes sense to me as to why they would start there.