New Release! Wildfire 0.1


CubeTutor Developer
From my Dev Blog:

New Release! Wildfire 0.1
I’d like to start by thanking everyone who has got in touch with me over email, Facebook and Twitter over the last couple of months. Your bug reports, feature requests and general feedback keep this site heading in the right direction and I really appreciate the time that you’ve taken to help me craft Cube Tutor into something awesome. For those of you out there who have a burning idea but haven’t got in touch then please do and you might just see your idea making it into the next release!

It’s great to see the site slowly becoming part of the collective consciousness of the Cubing community and I’ll be doing my best to keep up the momentum. I’ve got a special announcement coming up sometime in the next couple of weeks that will hopefully see development on the site ramping up significantly.

So on to todays release and those of you who have been with Cube Tutor for a while will remember when the site went from a free hosting plan to a paid hosting plan and I opened up donations. Well now we are starting to max out our usage on the paid tier that Cube Tutor operates on. Rather than simply throwing more money at the problem, I’ve spent the last few weeks optimising and improving the site. It’s by no means finished, but hopefully this release should give Cube Tutor more stability and prevent any outages at least for the immediate future.

I’m calling this release Wildfire 0.1 as there are no big new features in just yet (more on that in my upcoming announcement). Here are the complete list of changes. Any questions, issues or suggestions then please get in touch!

  • Added the paginated grid to the Decks page. This will make browsing the decks easier and also massively reduces the load time of this page. In addition the information that Cube Tutor stores in memory has been reduced to improve performance.
  • Significantly reduced the incidence of the ‘Something went wrong’ page by catching the case when a user tries to make an ajax request on a stale session (for example after leaving a draft open for 90 minutes and then picking a card).
  • Initial cube loading from the database is now about 80% faster as a result I could reduce the cache duration for cubes.
Bug Fixes/New Features
  • The draft bots handle new cards a lot better. If a new card has only been picked, but not passed the bots will ignore until it has either been passed or drafted 6 times.
  • When deleting a card from your list the page no longer scrolls and the deleted card is marked with a red row until the update set is saved.
  • All drafts default to 15/3/7 if possible and the first pack is loaded when you hit the page so you don’t have to press the ‘Update’ button each time you draft now.
  • Fixed JSS Royal Assassin image
  • Sections on the View List page have no line breaks when there are less than 6 cards in that section
  • Fixed the order of the cards when making replacements on the Edit List page (i.e. OLD > NEW)
  • You can’t set an empty name for your cube any more. All current cubes with an empty name have been renamed to ‘My Cube’.
  • Double clicks are prevented when submitting decks.
  • Resetting and Deleting a cube now clears all deck lists too.


ben -- no chance compulsive cube editors can view all 450 cards at once again?


CubeTutor Developer
Hey CML, this is definitely on my list but I need to do a little bit of reworking to the Javascript on the Edit List page first. Your voice has been heard though.