General Nonessential staples? (and Gruul cards)

Problem I have with Domri is that I doubt he'd end up in the same deck as Brainstorm. I could be wrong, but whenever I run Domri I want creatures galore. When I ran 6x Brainstorm and Domri in the same list the "synergy" never actually came together.

Try curving Domri into Jace the Mindsculptor!

Beatdown/Swarm/Zoo-- Tattermunge Maniac, Kird Ape, Burning-Tree Emissary, Flinthoof Boar, Atarka's Command
Double Strike-- Fires of Yavimaya, Ghor-Clan Rampager, Armed // Dangerous, Xenagos God of Revels
Midrange/Pod/Tempo-- Huntmaster of the Fells, Bloodbraid Elf, Sarkhan Vol
Ramp-- Radha, Heir to Keld, Xenagos the Reveler, Dragonlord Atarka
Control-- Savage Twister, Firespout, Decimate

Jason, do you want your Gruul cards to pull a drafter into a specific direction or is it just a supporting guild for established archetypes?
Cutting Force feels crazy -- precisely BECAUSE it's not broken or required like it is in constructed formats, it's a super fun card to play with. I mean, I remember specific situations where I used Force on stuff like:

I think Force is uncuttable in my (all proxy) list. Control often wants to tap out for its finisher ASAP since my cube is pretty fast, and force uniquely lets you tap out safely through whatever removal or other big effect you're scared of for a turn. It's existence can lead to interesting bluffing situations or sequencing decisions for the opponent. That said, since budget is a concern I think it has to be cut. It's a unique utility card, not something that an archetype or deck would take a bit hit to power level or viability over.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I think Force is uncuttable in my (all proxy) list. Control often wants to tap out for its finisher ASAP since my cube is pretty fast, and force uniquely lets you tap out safely through whatever removal or other big effect you're scared of for a turn. It's existence can lead to interesting bluffing situations or sequencing decisions for the opponent. That said, since budget is a concern I think it has to be cut. It's a unique utility card, not something that an archetype or deck would take a bit hit to power level or viability over.

I'll probably pick it up soon. Concessions to budget, etc, and the risk that this experiment could be a massive failure. I think we'll work out the process of MODO drafting, there are plenty of smart people here who will do their best to overcome WOTC's shortcomings.