Long post incoming!
just saw this when i went to CT, congrats!
Thanks! It's awesome, so much data!
It actually made me realize I probably need to change some cards. Naya, for example, is severely underdrafted. Abzan is the most popular shard, followed by Jeskai I think. Sultai and Grixis also get drafted, but Naya? Poor Naya gets neglected. I think I can count the Naya decks since the cube got featured on one hand. This is reflected in the bottom picks, which grants some insight into underdrafted archetypes. Since this is going to be a long blogpost anyway, let's just go over some of the bottom picks!
PS. I'm aware these statistics are not 100% meaningful, I mean, Shelldock Isle is #44 on the bottom picks list, and that is certainly a card I would happily add to
every blue draft deck in existence.
Contagion Clasp
Just to be clear, #1. means dead last in the pick order. It's hard for me to believe this little tool is passed so often (51:567 pass

ick ratio, or 8.3% picked) , but apparently people don't appreciate it. Maybe they feel it's just too slow? Anyway, I think this is a prime candidate for replacement with an
Everflowing Chalice, once I get around to implementing the great cheaper mana rocks/expensive wraths swap.
Woolly Thoctar
Realm Razer
#46. Javelineer's Cache (custom

That's right, there's the Naya cards for you, right at the bottom of the pick order. I personally think Realm Razer is a fine card, that can really lock up an advantageous board position, and Thoctar has crazy efficient stats for its converted mana cost, but obviously that doesn't entice players to go

. There aren't really obvious multicolor Naya cards that
would attract drafters, I feel, except maybe
Fiery Justice? What do you think? I might just need to bite the bullet and design customs for this shard.
Javelineer's Cache is easily pushed a bit by having it enter the battlefield with four counters instead of three.
Mask of Memory
Sword of Vengeance
Empyrial Plate
Weapons Trainer
Stoneforge Masterwork
There's 10 equipment in my cube, mainly supporting aggro strategies, and two equipment-related cards (Weapons Trainer and Stoneforge Mystic). A little under half of these cards is in the top 21 of the bottom picks. Now, Empyrial Plate can hit like a truck and is generally undervalued, and Weapons Trainer is just fine I think in a Boros deck, if the equipments are good enough to maindeck, but the other options are a little trickier. It's not the first time I agonized over what equipment to include, as the line between overpowering and underwhelming is very fine in this case. For reference, I've cut
Grafted Wargear in the past for being too strong. I've already created two equipment (both using the
living weapon mechanic) to fill the void of fairly costed but playable equipment, but it looks like I might need to design some more equipment that straddles this line just right for my cube. Maybe something like this?
(edit: images removed, because they are refined and repeated in a post below)
#5. Cogwork Doppelganger (is
Cogwork Librarian for

and with
Deal Broker
#28. Cogwork Doppelganger
This is a result of the draft cards not working in CubeTutor. I'm pretty happy with how they affect the draft. Deal Broker doesn't always work, because people are too miserly when determining what card to give away, but it's still a respectable looter. I love how far apart both Cogworks appear, though in reality they are very close together: 71:619 (10.3% picked) versus 79:630 (11.1% picked).
People are objectively nuts. This card is awesome and never leaving my cube. If it's in Eternal Masters, I might actually double up on it
Slayer's Stronghold
Firemane Angel
Weapons Trainer
Wojek Halberdiers
Iroas's Champion
Yeah, people are not hot on Stronghold. Firemane Angel is a bit of a standout, Boros Aggro is actually very popular, but Boros-based control decks get drafted less often. Maybe I should put in a bit more support. Tears of the Phoenix instead of Stronghold and
Nahiri, the Harbinger for
Ajani Vengeant? The aggro drops are generic but fine, I guess? Better equipment should raise the stock of both Weapons Trainer and Iroas's Champion, right?
(edit: image removed, because it is refined and repeated in a post below)
Sphinx of Lost Truths
The final card in the bottom 10. Sadface for draw-discard Sphinx. Reanimator could be a bit stronger, maybe I should add more reanimator spells? Anyway, I personally like Sphinx. It has quite a reasonable body for the cost, so the huge amount of card filtering is essentially free, and in the late game, when you can pay the kicker cost, it absolutely pulls you ahead hard.
Also, before I forget, a shout-out to Safra!
This might actually be the perfect place for the weird spins on Cascade I tried with Izzet Pyrocrat. I'm thinking specifically:
Eldrazi Ambushers

Creature - Eldrazi Drone
Cascade into Eldrazi
(or Cascade Into Colorless, which might need a different keyword, like Extrude or something)
but Cascade letting you have the Eldrazi cast-triggers is a big deal so 3/2 flash might be more fitting. Also, what's the problem with Thought-Knot Seer? That guy rules!
Also, thanks Safra! I added Eldrazi Bloodbraid Elf (3/2 haste instead of 4/2 flash, cascade into colorless), and it's actually a card I was excited to draft. Awesome suggestion!