I'm posting here because I looked at your list and really liked it, especially some of the spicy individual card choices. I have a couple comments on cards I've tested a lot and a couple questions about cards you've included.
So first, I've had a couple cards that I've seem in your list that I personally really like but could never get to work. Just a few random ones I noticed: Captain of the Watch, Geist-Honored Monk Future Sight, Rubblebelt Maaka, and Sylvan Primordial. I tried playing all these cards for a long time and they were always bad for me; maybe your format works a bit differently. Captain especially didn't seem to belong in a deck. What white tokens deck really wants a 6 drop? BUT worst of all was Seismic Assault! I fucking love Aggro Loam but Seismic Assault was never good in my cube. I even run two Life from the Loam, and Seismic just never made the cut. Without a full set of fetches and original duals, I don't see how many decks that want it will handle the triple red cost. If these cards all work well in your cube do you know what it is about your list that makes them good?
Then I saw a couple cards in your list that just look SWEET but I've never tried. How are:
Deadeye Navigator,
Phyrexian Plaguelord,
Mul Daya Channelers,
and the Lark/Karmic Guide shenanigans?
Plaguelord in particular looks sweet in cubes with sacrifice support.
Thanks! I'm glad you liked the list!
Captain of the Watch is sort of a relic from when my cube started its life with a heavier tribal focus (soldier was the white tribe) that has continued to hold its own since that knob got turned down. It acts more like a control finisher/stabilizer than a curve topper for an aggro deck. Same story with Geist-Honored Monk. They also make amazing flicker targets. Have you ever
Vensered a Captain of the Watch? That shit feels amazing.
Future Sight is one of my favorite cards of all time. I think the thing that makes it do well in my list as opposed to others is that I have a good deal of devotion support. The three blue symbols do wonders for Master of Waves, Thassa, and Nykthos. Any control deck that can afford the mana loves it too, since the continual card advantage is insurmountable as long as you're not being run over.
Sylvan Primordial was Terastodon until very recently. I cut the big elephant for a few reasons, namely that I wanted to add a value reanimator package to black and didn't want to enable feel-bad starts where you just Diabolic Servitude one up on turn 4 and blow up your opponent's whole mana base. Primordial has been a much more fair replacement, and has been better in many situations, since you rarely have more than one real problem permanent you want to blow up, and saving a mana is a big deal, even when green ramp is as strong as it is in my cube (it's really strong).
Rubblebelt Maaka, Ghor-Clan Rampager, and Selesnya Charm are part of my ongoing effort to make combat tricks viable without having to completely neuter my removal suite. So far it's been working out pretty well. I've gotten blown out by it a couple times, but I've also been able to put my opponent on it and play around it, which is the sort of gameplay I was trying to encourage. The creature mode almost never gets used, but having it as a backup is important.
Seismic Assault unfortunately was an experiment that didn't work out. Like I said, I tried to support devotion strategies with it in addition to Loam strategies, but they just weren't good enough to justify the mana cost. If it was 1RR it would be 1000% more playable. I even assembled the dream version of the deck and it still didn't feel powerful enough. I cut the whole package and haven't missed it.
Deadeye Navigator is a recent addition that I haven't seen in play yet. I have high hopes, though, considering my love of flickering shenanigans.
Phyrexian Plaguelord has been an absolute house every time it's hit the table. You can have a completely respectable board, and then Plaguelord shows up with a Gravecrawler, Bloodsoaked Champion, or a Reassembling Skeleton, and all of a sudden two turns later you're staring at an empty board wondering where the hell all your creatures went.
Mul Daya Channelers have been interesting. When either mode is turned on, they feel completely unfair, but in different ways. When they're not turned on, they're the definition of mediocrity, but I'd say they're turned on a good 80-85% of the time. I'm not sure I approve of that level of swinginess, and have considered swapping Elvish Archdruid back in their place, but for now they get to stay. They're especially good in green/blue where you get more top of library manipulation, though I'm somewhat light on that front. They're also pretty great with scrylands, which I have in abundance.
I've only seen the Reveilark/Karmic Guide combo assembled once so far, but it was pretty freaking devastating when it was. It hasn't been too oppressive thus far, and there's incidental graveyard hate that's targeted at the sacrifice deck that hits the combo too, so I don't foresee it being a problem, but if it does become an issue, Karmic Guide is an easy cut (I <3 Reveilark and it would take some serious convincing to get me to cut it).