Pete's 450 Unpowered Cube

I've had a few more drafts recently, but they've all been sort of scattershot at the end with people leaving early and just general chaos, so I haven't been able to really record what people have been playing for posterity. Which is too bad, I like having the data to look at for when I make tweaks, rather than just going by gut instinct.

That said, here's a bunch of changes based on gut instinct:



Mostly it's cutting cards that haven't really seen play, or FRF cards that I have seen in play and they just haven't worked out. I'm pushing red to be a little more controlling to see if I can get some big red decks to show up. I'm also cutting the morphs because unless there's a critical mass of them, you usually only have one in a deck, and it's a surprise the first time you play it, but you usually know what it is in games 2 and 3. I've got a close eye on Aetherling. He's been kept out due to power level concerns, but I was looking at my list and decided that blue control decks needed a really killer finisher, and he fit the bill. He's got a short leash, and at the first sign of being too oppressive, out he'll go.
Did a brief 6-man draft this week. Only got a couple rounds in, but we had some sweet decks.

Mardu midrange <-- Me. Mostly WR with lots of sweepers splashing for Sorin, Lord of Innistrad and Ultimate Price.
Esper Control <-- This had a bunch of walkers including Ugin, who was a total house
5c control
Ug devotion <-- The winning deck
Gr ramp
Red aggro

Here's the Devotion list

Aetherling worked out okay without being overpowering. I got some more color ink for my printer and I decided to proxy up a bunch of stuff, raising the power level of the list somewhat. Here's what I'm gonna try out tonight:

