I did a bunch of drafts on the train, so they annoyingly have no names, but I enjoyed the drafts.
This time I just drafted the cube; its been a while since I drafted a mana base like this, so it took a little getting used. All of my decks ended up being three colors, as I didn't see an advantage in going two colors.
The main difference for me was that I didn't really have to think about fixing during the drafts. With the penny cube, you have to think of the type of fixing that you're grabbing and how it fits into your deck. Here all of the fixing feels very ubiquitous, which was a very different experience.
The only deck type that I felt I had to be aware of fixing was when drafting aggro. This was because I felt that I
needed to go into three colors to get the denstity of effects I wanted. With the midrange/control decks, I felt like the fixing was a luxury enabling me to splash bombs, while with aggro it was a necessity. I was really happy with the aggro decks I ended up with though.
There are a few bomby top end finishers that kept on pulling me into a third color: the two remaining titans, and
deadeye navigator.
Myr battlesphere is another card, I feel, that pulls you into a sort of big mana deck, and is kind of a lazy pick.
Lingering souls kept on pulling me into a third color. I kept on going R/W with various army buffs, and than
lingering souls would come along and suddenly I was in black.
I also was really pleased with
whirler rogue and
goblin bushwhacker. Whirler Rogue instantly made all of the other artifacts higher value picks for me, as there is quite a few high impact threats that it helps.
With all of the token makers in white, combined with
blood artist and
goblin bombardment,
goblin bushwhacker felt like it was the missing piece of a brutal damage engine. Cut
dualcaster mage for
goblin sharpshooter maybe?
I think at a minimum you want to cut those few top end cards.
You could also add more dynamic ramp elements. I would cut
cultivate for flip nissa. I don't like either
cultivate or
kodama's reach for their explosiveness, linearity of play, and ease of color fixing. Nissa is just a much better and more interesting card; but if you don't own one or don't wish to proxy her, I would rather go x2
harrow than a
harrow split.
Harrow is just a much more interesting card that interacts with other parts of the cube. Adding in a Titania and sylvan safekeeper also seems fun, seeing as you already have loam.
reckless abandon is probably the worst card in the cube.
Now here is a crazy idea, but one that seems really fun to me. With the innistrad theme cube (which has similar fixing to this) after a while I realized the cube was filled with de facto multi-color cards. Because the fixing was so good, certain three color combinations just fit naturally together.
Why not embrace this? Maybe you should be thinking less in terms of color pairs, and more in terms of wedges and shards. Come up with a pair of themes for each of those, and structure the cube around that. You could even go the extra distance, take the multi-color section, and rebuild it into a 20-30 card section devoted to powerful three color nudge cards. Your fixing is good enough to support it, this would add some more structure, and it seems to be the natural direction the fixing is taking the cube anyways.