General Riptide Emotes / Reactions

Agreed with all three of the above posts.

Possible candidates for good reactions:

--Kenrith, the Returned King for posts that go the extra mile/are majestic in some way. Don't like it being so gendered, but that's Magic for ya.
--The cat on the left in the Secret Lair version of Leonin Warleader|SLD for 'awww'/affection
--For a 'thinking' emoji, Corpse Connoisseur
--For a 'shocked' emoji, Madrush Cyclops
--OG Zur for whatever Zur is feeling in that art
--Hamletback Goliath for 'oh gosh doesn't this make me feel silly'

Don't have a good 'lol' one yet. Will come up with more later.