Chris Taylor
If we don't I might make one
If we don't I might make one
All the mechanics in GRN play well even though some didn't seem exciting when initially revealed, so I have fairly high expectations for RNA.
The only thing I don't like about the GRN mechanics is the surveil trigger cards. They're cool for limited, but I think they also made it so surveil needed to be held back a bit. I think if they hadn't made surveil trigger cards (and hadn't printed opt in dominaria), we almost could have had "Opt" with surveil instead of scry. Oh, what could have been...
The way Krasis reads is annoying. Why isn't it costed at, gain X life and draw X cards, and ETBs with 2X +1/+1 counters, rather than the clunky rounding down clause?
So I'm looking at the Diva here and I have mixed feelings. I agree with shamizy - this crosses the majority of check boxes for the red/black archetype I'm running (I'm going for an aggressive tokens/sacrifice theme, using cards like Murderous Redcap, Falkenrath Aristocrat for anchor cards and various token producers in red and sac outlets in black). It's the fact it says "Non-Tokens" that bothers me somewhat - it may have been broken without that additional note, but I'm now trying to think of recursive, non-token threats in red and black to push the archetype further.
Besides Gravecrawler,Relentless Dead, Scrapheap Scrounger, and Bloodsoaked Champion, what other recursive threats exist to extend more value for the Diva? Is there any recursive threats in red at all (Edit: Besides the Pheonixs... Pheonixiese... Phoenices???)?