Sets (RNA) Ravnica Allegiance Spoilers

Card has been bonkers good and is a great signpost for RB aristocrats aggro Makes your 1/xs trade with x/3s. Does everything you want it to and more. In constructed, the second copy is a shock since they both see her legend rule herself :O

I'm waffling on vs . One is a zombie, which is nice, and i'm not sure whether spectacle is easier to get to than heckbent, since they return for essentially the same cost.

Chris Taylor


Card has been bonkers good and is a great signpost for RB aristocrats aggro Makes your 1/xs trade with x/3s. Does everything you want it to and more. In constructed, the second copy is a shock since they both see her legend rule herself :O

I'm waffling on vs . One is a zombie, which is nice, and i'm not sure whether spectacle is easier to get to than heckbent, since they return for essentially the same cost.

I'd lean to heckbent. Spectacle kinda means "I'm winning" most of the time, whereas you can actually redeploy dread wanderer when you're behind on board.
How about both?

Dread Wanderer seems better in a regular aggro shell because of what Ondezeeboot said about late game. However if you have a sacrifice outlet then maybe you want something that can be abused again and again way earlier.
How about both?

Dread Wanderer seems better in a regular aggro shell because of what Ondezeeboot said about late game. However if you have a sacrifice outlet then maybe you want something that can be abused again and again way earlier.

I'd like to, but i run

Is 4 too many? My other black 1s are:
Do you have a human theme?

Otherwise I feel like Spectacle > Raid because it creates a mini quest within the game that both players have a say in. Also Gutterbones can block which once again is better for a cube (combat interactions).

I would try and find room for all.

I run all above except Carrion Feeder in my cube.

Dom Harvey

I like Gravecrawler specifically but it's neat that there are enough recursive 2/1s that you can fill out an entire section with them without breaking singleton (alongside Carrion Feeder and Cryptbreaker, the real MVPs for me)
I feel like I'll try them all, at the very least starting out. If it feels oversaturated or that black aggro is too strong, Champion probably gets the cut. I have a mild human theme (xathrid, champion, liutenant), but in the context of the black aggro deck I think that wanderer returning gravecrawler is more important, as it allows you to build your board back up from zero resources.
I like Gravecrawler specifically but it's neat that there are enough recursive 2/1s that you can fill out an entire section with them without breaking singleton (alongside Carrion Feeder and Cryptbreaker, the real MVPs for me)

Is Carrion Feeder an MVP for you because it is a very, very cheap sacrifice outlet or because it grows into a big dude in the early and midgame? I understand it is probably both but can you put your finger on which weigh higher?

I am asking because it has never been appealing to me for some reason and now I actually have an Aristocrats archetype in my cube expanding across all non-blue colors.
Prerelease Report: RNA Edition

Temur Adapt

Creatures (13)
Benthic Biomancer
Combine Guildmage
Faerie Duelist
Sauroform Hybrid
Steeple Creeper
Gruul Beastmaster
Skitter Eel
Galloping Lizrog
Wrecking Beast

Instants (5)
Applied Biomancy
Growth Spiral
Thought Collapse

Sorceries (3)
Open the Gates
Shimmer of Possibilites
Biogenic Upgrade

Enchantments (2)
Guardian Project
Wilderness Reclamation

Planeswalkers (1)
Domri, Chaos Bringer

Lands (16)
Simic Guildgate
Gruul Guildgate
Gateway Plaza

Ok, so this deck was straight fire. I won 80% of my games with it, and I ended up going 3-1. This deck had a lot of random little interactions, so it was fairly complicated, but incredibly fun. I was running only 16 lands since the majority of my creatures were 2-drops and I had a copy of Open the Gates to help with fixing/thinning. Since 11 of my lands could tap for G, the chances of me being unable to cast Open when I needed it were low enough to make me comfortable playing it in place of a 17th land.

First things first, I thought Benthic Biomancer and Combine Guildmage were both terrible cards. The only reason I was running either of them was because:
-RNA is a retail limited formant and thus not super powerful.
-They both were on-curve threats that had relevant abilities in my deck.

As it turned out, this combo is straight gas. For 4 mana, you get to add a counter to one of your creatures and loot at instant speed. It's clunky, but it was fun. I won 3 games just because I was able to get this engine together. Galloping Lizrog was just an amazing finisher for this deck due to the Benthic Biomance/Guildmage combo. I don't think any of these interactions are necessarily cubeable, but they are fun.

Riot is probably the best mechanic of the entire Guilds of Ravnica "block." Wrecking Beast is actually pretty good. I think if you run a pauper cube or use low-power finishers, this could be a good card for you. A 6/6 Haste Trample is good, even at 7 mana. Gruul Beastmaster is also quite good, although I found it to be weak as both a 2/2 haste and a 3/3 without haste. However, It was good as a 3/3 haste, which I was able to achieve thanks to Domri, Chaos Bringer.

Speaking of Domri, Domri, Chaos Bringer is really good. Being able to add mana and give your creature riot is amazing. The super adventurous impulse is also quite good. I found myself never even wanting to activate his ultimate because his other abilities were so good. Unfortunately, I think his Ultimate ability could keep him out of my cube. Just getting to add 8 power to the board every turn for free is just super oppressive. However, I am re-working my cube, so he could have a home. I think Rhythm of the Wild will probably achieve the same effect I am looking for, although I have yet to play with or against it.

Pretty much everyone at my prerelease was excited about Guardian Project, I was not impressed. Even though I was running duplicates of many of my creatures, I still had more than enough ways to trigger the dang thing, and yet, it never felt like something worth casting. I always wanted to either hold up mana for instants or adapt triggers or develop one of my creatures.

Wilderness Reclamation, on the other hand, was really good. Being able to puke out all of my two-drops and still hold up combat tricks, the Benthic Biomance/Guildmage trick, or just adapt a creature all in one turn cycle was powerful in my deck. I think it was only as powerful for me as it was because I was playing Simic. I probably won't find a home for it in my list, but the possibility is there especially since my U/G decks actually would like something like this.

Growth Spiral was exactly as good as advertised. It was fine overall. I think it would have been better if I had 2 or 3 in the deck. The unstoppable instant-speed card draw and ramp it can provide was useful in a couple of cases where I needed to dig for and play an answer in the same turn.

Applied Biomancy was the best card in my deck. It allowed me to protect my important creatures while disrupting my opponent's tempo. There were many cases where Applied Biomancy was just Doom Blade+Unsummon on a single card. This is easily the best soft removal spell in RNA, especially when the game is close. The only thing keeping me from cubing it at this point in time is the stiff competition in my Simic section.

Everything I didn't talk about was average. Not good, not bad, somewhere in the middle.

Overall, this prerelease was probably the most fun event I have attended in a long time. I don't think RNA limited will be as interactive as GRN limited was overall, but I think that certain elements of RNA will lead to some fun limited gameplay. The only bad part was not getting to test Sharktocrab.



Staff member
I've been having mixed success with this set so far. In my IRL Prerelease, I picked Orzhov and built removal.dec. I had 10 pieces of removal and just 2-3 drops otherwise. It was okay. I managed to go 2-1, losing in the last round to Double Rakdos Firewheeler both games, which is just absurd.

I have since done 4 Guild Sealed on MTGO. I went orzhov again and got double Kaya's Wrath, which was sweet. Didn't help me too much though as I just didn't have the threats to back them up. Ended up going 5-4. I seem to have this problem in orzhov, that there isn't any creatures worth playing over 4 CMC and you just get overrun by big flyers or big gruul ground things. May just be my pools though.

The second one I went Gruul X and got to play a fun Gruul X deck that played Electrodominance and splashed Hydroid Krasis. May I say that that both those cards are gas (just not together). If I hit either of them with 7 mana I won those games. The only games I lost were to being mana screwed (I seemed to get colour screwed a lot in this deck for some reason). Ended up going 6-3.

Third one went Rakdos and tried to make it work, but it just didn't. I had Theatre of Horrors, Domri, Chaos Bringer and Nikya of the Old Ways as my 'bomb' rares. But even when I went to grindy games I just couldn't grind through with this card advantage. I think my supporting creature sweet was just mediocre and I had only 2 pieces of removal. Deck could never draw aggressively even though that was the only way it could win. Decided to switch to a Temur big stuff deck and managed to crawl some wins back, but I couldn't save this pool. Went 3-6.

The last one I went simic, and well I want to show you this monster:

So yeah, I got lucky in the uncommon department. Triple Troll and 2 Sharktocrab is quite insane.
Can I also say that I got this combo online more than I like to admit and it felt dirty:
I managed to go 6-0 before starting to stumble and ended up 6-2. The matches I lost were to an Azorius deck that hit removal into a curve of flyers both games, there was just nothing I could do. The other was to a deck that managed to ramp out double Scuttlegator, on the defence and a lone flyer in the air just chipping away. Deck was great and simic is a hell of a lot better than I thought it was. Sure it is lacking in removal, but you get on curve threats that are mana sinks lategame. Now just have to try Azorius and see how I go!

Will give a rundown of cards that have impressed me once I have done that one. But first, I want to give a shoutout to both my orzhov decks best win condition:

This card has been quite the threat on either side of the table I have seen it on. I initially dismissed it as it doesn't really affect the board in any meaningful way, but that slow dripfeed of damage really does wonders. Half of the orzhov creatures have double bodies with afterlife so you can block for a long time and just wait for them to die. The ability to cash it in for 4 damage is what really pushed it into the realm of playability. It gives that extra bit of reach that you really need and gives black a burn spell that I didn't know it needed. Also works will in rakdos as it triggers spectacle, and gives the reach the aggro decks need.
May even give the card a try in pauper, even though it is way to slow for that format :p

This card has been quite the threat on either side of the table I have seen it on. I initially dismissed it as it doesn't really affect the board in any meaningful way, but that slow dripfeed of damage really does wonders. Half of the orzhov creatures have double bodies with afterlife so you can block for a long time and just wait for them to die. The ability to cash it in for 4 damage is what really pushed it into the realm of playability. It gives that extra bit of reach that you really need and gives black a burn spell that I didn't know it needed. Also works will in rakdos as it triggers spectacle, and gives the reach the aggro decks need.
May even give the card a try in pauper, even though it is way to slow for that format :p

You know what? I don't even think this would be that bad as a 1-2 of in the mono black pauper list? 2 life swing per turn is actually quite a lot, and black already has some ways of draining life in this way to try and close out the game while stabilizing.

Chris Taylor

Speculation: Do you guys think Wizards will tone down the multicolored part of Ravnica in Rav3.3?

It would be unusual for Ravnica but they always talk about how scared they are of having too many multicolored sets in Standard at a time and maybe they want to ‘give us a breath of fresh air’. Or they could go full Alara on us and give is 100 % golden ;)


On topic

I might want to double up on Growth-Chamber Guardian as a two-for-one pick.


Staff member
Sometimes, you have no idea what you are doing in a draft. Sometimes you crush everyone and 3-0. On those rare occasions both can happen at the same time:

This is the Rhythm of the Azorius

Apparently Rhythm of the Wild is a good card, so I couldn't pass it, but Azorius was clearly open. I didn't know what to do. Just keep picking guildgates if there wasn't a obviously strong card? That seemed to be my go to.

Rhythm was decent enough, but I didn't draw them enough for them to see play to see if they would matter.
Hydroid Krasis is the absolute nuts though, and I never lost a game I cast it (let alone twice thanks to Regenesis).
Only had colour issues a couple of times, it was obviously when I was trying to cast Sphinx of New Prahv, but I liked to think of it more as a 6 drop anyway, in which it did it's job well.
Resolute Watchdog is everything a slower deck wants. I don't know if it is good for aggro, but it blocks early and can suck up a removal spell or be a combat trick. Don't sleep on the dog, it is great.
Gates Ablaze and Gateway Sneak were my only gate payoffs, but they did a solid amount of work. I feel if you see a Gates Ablaze in draft you have to take it as any boardsweeper in limited is just great. The sneak felt like he won me a game all by himself as he got through 3 turns in a row and found the removal spells I needed to hang on.

Really enjoying the set so far. It doesn't feel as quick as Guilds which is nice, Rakdos can be quick, but nowhere near as consistantly as Boros. So you can do some sillier things. Looking forward to GP Sydney in a week. See how well we go...
Sometimes, you have no idea what you are doing in a draft. Sometimes you crush everyone and 3-0. On those rare occasions both can happen at the same time:

This is the Rhythm of the Azorius

Apparently Rhythm of the Wild is a good card, so I couldn't pass it, but Azorius was clearly open. I didn't know what to do. Just keep picking guildgates if there wasn't a obviously strong card? That seemed to be my go to.

Rhythm was decent enough, but I didn't draw them enough for them to see play to see if they would matter.
Hydroid Krasis is the absolute nuts though, and I never lost a game I cast it (let alone twice thanks to Regenesis).
Only had colour issues a couple of times, it was obviously when I was trying to cast Sphinx of New Prahv, but I liked to think of it more as a 6 drop anyway, in which it did it's job well.
Resolute Watchdog is everything a slower deck wants. I don't know if it is good for aggro, but it blocks early and can suck up a removal spell or be a combat trick. Don't sleep on the dog, it is great.
Gates Ablaze and Gateway Sneak were my only gate payoffs, but they did a solid amount of work. I feel if you see a Gates Ablaze in draft you have to take it as any boardsweeper in limited is just great. The sneak felt like he won me a game all by himself as he got through 3 turns in a row and found the removal spells I needed to hang on.

Really enjoying the set so far. It doesn't feel as quick as Guilds which is nice, Rakdos can be quick, but nowhere near as consistantly as Boros. So you can do some sillier things. Looking forward to GP Sydney in a week. See how well we go...
Rhythm of the Wild looks so fun to play with.

This card is a powerhouse in this format. Most 3-color midrange decks can't punish you taking off a turn to cast a 4-mana enchantment and it takes over any durdly game (of which there are plenty). The activation basically says "kill me in 4 turns or I kill you." It doesn't help that enchantment removal is almost non-existent.

I played 3 drafts on Arena yesterday and played with and against this so many times, and most times it hit the board it totally changed how one side had to play. The worst game was an Orzhov mirror where I countered the villian's T4 IGI with my own T4 IGI, and then they had a second one on T5...
The card is nuts!! It seems so incredibly unassuming, but that's a guaranteed 2 point life swing that can suddenly turn into a 10 point life swing when it's the most opportune.