General Say hello!

Hi, I'm Alex Blanton from Little Rock, Arkansas. I'm a casual/competitive fighting gamer (P4A, Blazblue, MvC3, Street Fighter 4) and often play board games with family and friends. I started playing Magic when my brother picked up a couple Tenth Edition Intro Packs. My favorite card back then and now is Vigor. I still love green fatties ruining combat math. Through my love for it I try to stick it in decks where it doesn't belong. (Hello, Riku EDH) In Magic I'm known among friends as a luck sack when it comes to pulling foil mythics and top-decking.

Anyway, I didn't start playing frequently until M12, where I took 1st in a draft by passing Serra Angels for Timely Reinforcements and Dungrove Elder of all things. My friends and I promptly pooled our winnings into a box of New Phyrexia, which we promptly drafted. Karn was liberated and good times were had. Since then, my card pool has expanded, and I've been looking for ways to leverage my ever-growing box of Limited detritus. There's only so many subpar Commander decks I can stand building. I attend FNM regularly and actively look for reasons to draft greedy 4-5 color control decks. (It never happens.) Unfortunately, FNM is only once a week. So instead of signing up for MTGO, I watch Channel Fireball videos. There I found Jason's articles describing set Cubes. Intrigued, I blazed through his other articles, found Riptide Lab and lurked for a while.

I've been working on my own Cube and have borrowed quite a bit from this site's ideas. It's been over a month and it seems almost ready for a test run. I'll post a list later: it's 1:30AM and I'm still recovering from the prerelease.


Welcome Alex! Glad you decided to post. We're always happy to have more people on the boards.

Looking forward to seeing your list.


by far our most stereotypical playgroup member went to CMU and is a CS savant. name of "adam ruprecht" if you're an old mellonian too mr wadds
you should probably edit out the spam url as it tends to attract more spambots if they see that in search results

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
What always makes me wonder about spam is the text. Like, look at that.
hello, i am joyce.
i am 26 years old woman.

Who would actually write like that on a forum? It's not bad enough that it's computer generated, and it's not good enough that someone actually thought about it. A friend of mine once pointed out that spammers make their spam kind of obvious, so that they only get really stupid people following their links.
Hey, I'm Will in the Tampa Bay, Florida area.

Been playing magic since Rise of Eldrazi, but the locals have forced my game knowledge to be huge. There are multiple cubes at my LGS, but they are all different and aren't always there. Feeling unsatisfied by pauper/peasant cubes and disgusted by the degeneracy of cards like Recurring Nightmare and Umezawa's Jitte I decided to make my own cube of powerful (but not TOO powerful) cards.

It's well-liked and people are always asking to play it, I just sadly don't have the time for a full draft or some other nonsense that keeps it from firing. As a result, my poor cube gets winston drafted a lot more than anything else. It's a little larger than the standard 540 and features a slightly larger than the norm multicolor section.

I play standard to an extent, usually with cards I WANT to play with (currently Primeval Bounty), adapting to the meta. I don't play Legacy, Modern, or EDH, but have some knowledge of all three. I collect foil planeswalkers (just one of each) and behemoth sledges of all varieties.

My favorite cards are Finest Hour , Slave of Bolas , Kargan Dragonlord and Oracle of Mul Daya

My LEAST favorite cards are old, undercosted reanimate effects and cards that promote durdling like Skeletal Vampire and Obelisk of Alara
Yo, it's Felix from near Cologne, Germany, well-known for being one of those guys who just likes to sit in front of his monitor theorycrafting all day.​
My English is nowhere near good but I'm just telling you here to have it mentioned somewhere (so you guys won't eat me for horrible grammar or the like, especially commas).

Though I approached some games* competitively, I've never actually been to a Magic tournament in my life before. I'm just playing legacy-oriented casual Magic which just means all the cards but a very low power level overall. We just don't have much fun spending money on beta duals, Tarmogoyfs and all since nearly every interesting archetype is fully playable in casual even without those powerhouses. Still, we're trying to optimize our concepts as much as we can with what we have.

Maybe a few weeks ago, my interest in cube mtg awoke. I dunno why exactly it happened at that point in time, but I know that I love it, even with just playing a few drafts of which neither actually was a cube draft. hoohoo

I signed up cuz everything I learned about cube was by reading this site. Breaking the singleton rule, not just filling the cube w/ all-rounders and powerhouses, seeing cube generally as some kind of experiment which is able to grow in different directions at any point in time - I really like where my cube project is going and I know that there are enough casual players which have a hypothetical interest in it with whom I could share this experience.
Basically, I don't only want to read about cube, trying to put one together somehow but also want to discuss about it, keep it up to date together with some more experienced players and maybe start some new experiments. But first things first.

Guess this is enough. My favorite decks are classic MUC (Counterspell, AEtherling, Fact or Fiction, Powder Keg) and UR variants of control/tempo (Electrolyze, Fire/Ice, Izzet Charm). I also like the concept of RG Beatz and Sandsac.

So, I guess we'll read each other then. Nice to meet you!

* is somebody here up to Super Smash Bros. Melee? it's actually the best game of all time.
EDIT: lawl just read the article of Designing Competitive Games by Waddell. karma baby.
it's the truth that the core needs to be stabilized first, something Nintendo rarely-if-ever manages to work. it's a shame..

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Hey Felix, welcome! Yes, I could talk 2006-era Melee all day long. Watching Ken get dethroned and the competitive field blown wide open was amazing, but probably not as amazing as sitting around in hotel rooms playing 2v2s with the pros when the official tournament action was said and done for the day.


What always makes me wonder about spam is the text. Like, look at that.

Who would actually write like that on a forum? It's not bad enough that it's computer generated, and it's not good enough that someone actually thought about it. A friend of mine once pointed out that spammers make their spam kind of obvious, so that they only get really stupid people following their links.

magic women?
Damn I'm a die-hard fan of m2k, still today. I'm glad Ken approached the game again, though.

I guess in America it's comparable to Europe where people mainly come together to play smash but where there's always a time after it feeling somewhat like a class reunion with the people you like.
is m2k the guy that stayed at someone's place for a tournament and jacked off onto someones bed and just left it there for the person to find
yes that's the guy
people in Germany were like 'man I always knew he's THAT kind of guy'

of course I'm referring to his playstyle, though I don't know if I'm able to judge his personality. he just seems a bit awkward, but that's something I even like some people for.

after reading some parts of the interview I guess it's not, or not only (not being a lickspit), you who made it somehwat terrible. but I guess that's just him. at least he's right about 'destroying everyone'. lol