End of Year Updates - 12/04/16
A lot of theorycrafting, investigation, discussion, since the last time I updated, but
no IRL drafts! Wo is me

. Regardless, I carry on my merry way tinkering with my cube, though I should probably have a couple drafts soon to finally test out all the new cards that have snuck in since last time. There are a couple main reasons I've been working on an update in the past few weeks:
- The gold-aggro/rethinking Gold slots thread. This has wanted me to flush out my gold section, so I'm taking one of my weakest or OP cards from each color and shift them around to multicolor or artifact sections.
- My recent investigation into Bant Spells/Tempo.
- Onderzeboot getting Grumpy.
My first goal, that I've been looking into for a little while now, is to cut another slot from my monocolored sections, and fill out the gold sections a little more. There were a couple multicolor sections that just had fewer cards than the others. Not that the sections need to be matched (especially looking at all the hidden off-color flashbacks and hybrids I've got in my Mono sections

). Started of with one victim from each color. Out:

Sarkhan is just... not really needed, I think. Very goodstuffy, not actively trying to help any of my themes, all around meh.
Monastery Siege has been in and out so many damn times, and it honestly just feels like it's a scapegoat slot at this point.
Blackmail is a fine card, but I've got other updates that supercede it, so it's just a slot that isn't really needed right now.
Citadel Siege is OP. Glad to see this guy come out for something more synergistic (and hopefully not also OP).
Krosan Tusker is finally bowing out. Green needed to be doing something else, and the Tusker is outdated enough to get the boot.
I ended up swapping in:

Only adding three multicolor cards, but taking the time to bolster my artifact section a little more, as it is a theme I'm at least lazily attempting to support.
Cruel Ultimatum is a reinclude. Too much fun if you manage to pull it off, I just had to try it out again.
The Tower is definitely an experiment, but since I'm trying to support spell decks of multiple flavors, I think having a nice colorless roleplayer will be a solid inclusion. It's my first energy card, but it runs itself so well I don't even know if somebody unfamiliar with the maechanic would notice.
Animation module is another little experiment. It goes super well with Daretti and that deck, both potentially making fodder to scrifice, and Profilerating Daretti. We'll see where this one goes. I have some great other avenues for the card to explore, like
anafenza, kin-tree spirit and
drana, liberator of malakir
Goblin trenches comes in for my ongoing quest to turn lands into a valued resource. Recently added
Crucilbe of worlds, and that makes for a mean addition to the engines available to the RG deck.
Simic Charm comes in as I move to build and support

spells. It's the perfect spell for the deck, both pressuring and protecting.
Next up, I recently wrote a bunch of words on how I think bant can be a spells deck. To that end, I'm moving to fully support it and test it out in my environment. Turns out I already had a lot of the tools I am postulating for the archetype, so I'm trimming up a little. Out:

Angel of Finality is a nice card, but it's an easy flex slot IMO, being that's it's more of an incidental effect on an otherwise vanilla beater.
Decree of Justice is just another token-maker, and right now I'm letting
Secure the Wastes hold down that particular fort.
Evolutionary Leap was a hard switch to make, as I love this card quite a bit. I feel like it's just not as much what my (theoretically) more controlling green section wants right now.
Voice of Resurgence was another killer swap, not lessened by the fact that all my Voices are signed

. Luckily I have a prerelease Dromoka's command, so my conscience is clear in that regard, and Voice is a rather generic control-hate card.
Deadbridge Goliath is pretty boring. And I don't know if I've ever seen the Scavenge aility used.
What I swappped in:

Ojutai Exemplars feels like just the more combat-focused "prowess" card my Bant Spells deck wants. It's a respectable body on its own, and both protects itself while clearing blockers out of the way. I'm definitely excited to see what this card can do.
Enlightened Tutor is just a really cool card, and I hope to see it doing some interesting toolbox stuff, including by not limited to searching up auras, the new Sylvan Library, or a finisher like
Torrential Gearhulk.
Sylvan Library I feel is more in line with what I want my green decks to be doing. If

is interacting more with noncreature spells, Evolutionary Leap start falling out of place as a proper CA engine. Sylvan Library takes that role well, and combos nicely with some of the incidental lifegain in Gx.
Dromoka's Command is a very powerful spell for GW, and will be killer in the spells deck, I think.
Call of the Herd is simply a lower CMC version of what the Goliath is doing. Still a little boring, ut it's a
spell, so it plays into the archetype better.
Next, Onder had a very valid critique in one of the more recent Draft Exchange exchanges: There's not very much delirium! So I'm working to slowly course correct:
Found a couple of slots that can be laid to rest:

The common theme here is that the cards I'm taking out don't really do anyhting to further the Themes I want to push and
explore with my environment. Mayor of Avabruck especially is very out of place, as both the only Werewolf, and not having much of anyhting to do with anything. (bsides being a promo).
Bringing in/back in a couple delirium cards

Topplegeist is coming back in. White is starting to look like it can interact with delirium better than I initially thought, so Booplegeist gets another day in the sun

Descend is a straight swap for Terminus. Not only do I not like the random blowout potential (especially considering it's going to be more random and top-deck hero in my format than in others), but Descend keeps up the incidental GY hate train while providing some cool GY interaction of it's own.
Obsessive Skinner has always been high on my list, as it's a incrementally growing aggressive threat that plays well in go-wide and go-tall. Happy to try him out.
A couple more random and non-related switches that have been on the backburner for a while now:

Liliana's Reaver is generic goodstuff incarnate, and not super good to boot.
Nameless Inversion is just the wackiest of this particular slot, and so was the chosen one for swapping out.
Treasure hunt is very cool, and I still like it, but I'm trying out a more GY-based card
Swaps in:

Braids nothing if not loved around here at RTL, and she does seem like an interesting self-contained "archetype", making the drafter tilt their drafting around her to an extent. Nice.
Brutality is taking up the mantle of several slots, providing a discard outlet, utility removal, and hand control all in one!
Strategic planning is more suited towards GY based themes. Allows you to, for instance, keep the
Body Double and dump a
Soul of Shandalaar in the Grave, to be Body Doubled and later used for their ability from the grave.
That's all for now. Really need to get some IRL testing in to see how my format has been shaping up over the past couple of months. Thanks for reading!
