Alright, so its been a long time since I've really put actual effort into this cube outside doodling around the forum. Been doing real life stuff over the course of this summer, but maybe settling in a little. Being gone this long, I need a plan of attack for how to move forward. What I came up with is to find cards that
aren't fitting well into the format. Maybe value-town holdouts that I've gotten over, or cards that are relics of past strategies, etc. This might give me a clear focus on space and slots available to me, with which I can look at the past few sets I've missed out on for better inclusions for me. That's not to say I won't find cards I want to add that push other acceptable cards out, as typical, but I need to start somewhere.
First a few cards that I wanted to switch anyway:


Dark petition is a messy card, while Parting is so, so clean at it's job. Hope to see some neat pairs dug up with this.


Fetters never really hit it off over here, and I'm really excited to try monument to bolster the tokens deck.


I do like hydra, tbh. But I really want to try Multani, which seems to fit better into my lands theme

That is... A lot. I think one underlying theme is dislike of cards that are just messes to read that also aren't really doing much for the format. Waste of brain power.
champion of the parish: This guy feels (felt) like a trap. I can do better and the decks don't need him
Shelter: Haven't seen this played much. Think 2 mana just a tad too much at this point. Decks also not needing the effect.
Eldrazi displacer: Time to cut the
'theme'. Complicated and not needed. Keeping painlands tho, big fan of them.
Kytheon, hero of akros: Messy card that is just power for powers sake.
Seeker of the way: Not sure white is headed in this direction right now. Not a smash hit bomb like Monastery Mentor, so on the naughty list
Unsubstantiate: Don't see evidence that this effect is needed or adds to U decks. Can use this slot for something much more interesting.
Crow storm: Meeeeh
Eternal of harsh truths: Doesn't really do much for the format, the only Afflict card, and was just included because the slot was the same sort of card idea before.
Delver of secrets: Trap
Gnarled scarhide: Included partially to support delirium, which isn't really a focus any more, it's still a neat card, but can see it going
Wander in death: A touch low powered, I think.
Battle at the bridge: Dunno, man
Soul of innistrad: Outclassed these days. It's not fitting into gameplans of my B decks compared to its more powerful bros
Herald of torment: Included for delirium, but doesn't fill any particular role the format is looking for. nighthowler at the same CMC is much better for the GY format.
Kiki-jiki, mirror breaker: Kinda a trap that a combo exists, and hard to cast without specifically helping my archetypes
Earthshaker khenra: Complicated af to read, I think the slot can he better used
Avacyn's judgment: Another messy card, the madness is cool, but not critical enough to justify the messiness. Maybe another madness card is better suited?
Abbot of keral keep: Not seeing effective play these days, and not being utilized for the process. Think there are better options these days.
Clear shot: Only one green card is probably evidence that I'm still very happy with the color.
Heirloom blade: Never really worked out.
Thought-knot seer: Cut that colorless!
Watchers of the dead: Might not quite make it on power level of effect
Jeskai ascendancy: Three color card I'm not convinced is needed for the format besides giving me a toy to play with. Tokens can be supported other ways.
Olivia, mobilized for war: Messy card. Think there's a better option in battlebond
Prepare // fight: Not that great, and seems to be included "because GY interaction"!
Figure of destiny: Dunno if this sort of mana sink 1 drop works in my format
Boros reckoner: Never a big hit, think a neater and easier to cast card will be more loved here.
Burning-tree emissary: Meeh. Dunno.
Nissa, steward of elements: Doesn't do anything my format needs. And cooler simic cards printed.