While I'm glad that the hyperbolic comparison between
ancestral recall and
dig through time has had such a response, I don't think the conditions really exist in most of our cubes where
treasure cruise would be strictly better than
dig through time.
We all run good mana, and most of our formats aren't really
that condensed. If you're a legacy delver deck or infect, for instance, I could see


being a huge deal, as those decks are really concerned about efficiency.
But I don't really see that being an issue in a format where you are playing cards like
genesis or have strong fixing. I'm also not sure how good a lot of formats really are at quickly filling up the graveyard, even with the benefit of some density of fetchlands.
There is going to be variance of course across formats but I feel like we are getting a little carried away here with the colored mana difference, on spells that probably aren't going to be shot off until past turn 4. Dig is also going to be more consistent, I believe, because its instant speed, and can function in scenarios where it dosen't have easy access to a flush graveyard. Its low point is very manageable.
Now if your format is really fast like Eric's, than its a different evaluation: but I'm not sure how many of us are at that point.
I also realize that one of the great weaknesses of DTT in forum debates is that there is no good analogy for it. Probably the closest comparison is
gifts ungiven, in the sense that they are both cards that yield card advantage and card selection. Even that comparison is filled with flaws.
I'm also really surprised at how much the ability to, well, dig for specific answers or threats is being dismissed. I know we are not all running some number of redundant effects in our cube; and some of you are also running powerful but mechanically isolated cards (like
tragic arrogance for example) and its quite powerful (not to mention fun) to have dig effects to ensure you have access to cards like that.
Demonic tutor is a card that I cut a long time ago, and no one has really missed it, for the mana inefficiency reasons I stated. The only reason I drew a comparison with DTT with it, was to highlight that DTT, being an instant, dosen't have those mana inefficency issues. The two cards are quite different.