Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

That was supremely entertaining, so I'm gonna serve you up another one.

This poor guy doesn't have many non-combo things going for it. But i love the concept. It seems good in an environment where you could reasonably assure yourself of a 2.5-cards-drawn ACS. Anything else we can do with this besides encourage players to run tons of land?


Ecstatic Orb
That card would actually be awesome with scry 1 on it.

Also, what, are you on meds? An ACS of 2.5 cards drawn would be insane for a 2 mana spell! But... If you really want that, add scry 2 instead.


Ecstatic Orb
I mean, okay, an ACS of 2 cards is okay i guess, for a sorcery.
What if it flipped until you got a land instead of a nonland?
Damn. I was replying with a statistical post when my iPad crashed.

Basically, more cards drawn on average, because you play fewer lands than spells typically. WCS is worse in the mid to late game, because you're not guaranteed of drawing a business spell, and you can't draw past land gluts. On turn 2 you are guaranteed a land though, which can be awesome. BCS is significantly better, because you can draw multiple spells. In short: it becomes a very different card that probably couldn't see print at {1}{U} because of the vastly better BCS.
Ooh, i like that! I wonder if it could be worked into a Buyback cost somehow.
"Buyback: Discard all but one card you revealed this turn." Gah that's not any less wordy.

No discussions out there about Erayo? It looks like it fits a spells matter / prowess theme and should be pretty easily to flip by holding onto some cantrips and stuff. Is it just too easily killed? Is it too unfun once flipped? Is it actually a lot harder to flip than I think it is? I feel like Erayo, spell, spell, spell is easily done in these decks.

No discussions out there about Erayo? It looks like it fits a spells matter / prowess theme and should be pretty easily to flip by holding onto some cantrips and stuff. Is it just too easily killed? Is it too unfun once flipped? Is it actually a lot harder to flip than I think it is? I feel like Erayo, spell, spell, spell is easily done in these decks.
Waay too hard to flip. Waaay
Erayo looks like the kind of mean horseshit I'll delude myself into trying in a few months, thanks for reminding me that exists!
(but yeah probably don't run it)
(I am dying for Counterbalance but goddamn is that expensive for my janky tastes)
(Someday tho)

How is this? I like the potential of it, and I think at the worst it can be used as single-target removal, but I'm concerned the best case may be too.. best.

Chris Taylor

Hmmm. It's certainly a unique effect, I'll give you that.

I don't suppose this fellow fits the bill?

Or maybe this, if you want it on a smaller scale?

I'm not sure the permanence, cheap cost and noncreature body of engineered plague is something you can (or should) replicate.
I don't suppose there's a spell somewhere that puts a -1/-1 counter on all your opponent's creatures?


Well, kinda:

Not really what we were going for were we?

Chris Taylor

Here is a really sweet card that both buffs and polices token strategies

I tried him and he was sadly just really awkward. Perhaps my playgroup just doesn't want to read what haunt does, or maybe the ammount of setup for the full -2/-2 on your opponent was too steep (Sac outlet, spare creature, pontiff, mana for above) but he never made a maindeck.