Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight


Staff member
... moreover this guy has made a huge impression on me despite being hella clunky

Dude, I love this card so much it is unhealthy. It is the clunky-ness that stops it from being broken as all christ.

Decentish enough stats with evasion for the cost to make you not feel embarrassed to drop him with nothing on board.
In-built removal protection, sacrifice outlet and permanent buffs. How does this guy not get enough love?

I probably pick him way too high but have you ever tried to stop a 6/6 with evasion on turn 4?
Just have to hope they don't have a white mana open :p
Is new Krasis good with hangerback?

Honestly I cannot wait till I get to put both hangerwalker and epochrasite in the same deck.

Chris Taylor

Someone sell me on this guy:

And by extension, this guy:


Well, it all depends on power level and whether your drafters like combos, really. Muzzio's Preparations + Finks is probably too powerful for most Riptide lists. On the other hand, if your combo requires you to attack or bolster or whatever to reset your Finks, that's probably not a problem unless you're running at Peasant-ish levels.

can't imagine a cube on here where finks isn't a wham bam thank you ma'am high pick. i'd even argue that with the way we ban unfair cards having finks be a decent p1p1 is a desirable goal

doomed traveler is really good and young wolf definitely sucks so i think homeboy up there is more tukatongue thallid than anything else. i guess it depends on how good these mechanics i haven't played with are


Isn't the problem with blisterpod that it discourages attacks? I mean, you swing in, I chump, and now you ramped me seems pretty terrible. Which would make sense since the limited environ is going to be battlecruiser magic, where they want people durdling up to 8 drops. Blisterpod does a better job of that than doomed traveler, which gives you a token to swing with, or young wolf, which gives you a largely meaningless body.

The card seems more like a reprint of sakura tribe elder that is more on point with boz token and ramp themes.

Young wolf is a card you run mostly as anti-edict deck in a low power environ
That Sakura Tribe Elder analogy is interesting, it's not something I considered (because it's not really the same!). I kind of forget that you can sac the scion for mana, and was viewing it just as a thallid replacement. I've got a strong sac theme in black, but I can't bring myself to add the doomed traveller, he seems pretty restrictive. The blisterpod seems like it has a bit more game to it, especially if you want to slow your environment down a bit.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I actually quite like Doomed Traveler a lot, to the point where I'm now doubling up on him, after having cut back on Champions of the Parish. A token with evasion is useful at any point in the game - unlike Young Wolf's second form - and while the front side of the card won't win any awards for power level, white weenie is the deck that benefits the most from putting bodies on the ground so that they can be pumped through various means.

Give him a try if you're on the fence about him - you might be pleasantly surprised!
Give him a try if you're on the fence about him - you might be pleasantly surprised!

This actually tipped the scales for me; now that I've been pushing tokens, Traveler seems like a fine card to take out for a test drive!

How is

No one wanted any of the actual stick-it-and-forget-it anthems last time I tried, but maybe a card that is both defensive and offensive has more potential? Thoughts? Perhaps it's just really rude. I like that it disrupts or enables go-wide token decks, but it may be too frustrating for that same reason.