The journey of discovery continues for my new favorite mechanic. I've always had a sideways glance aimed at this Lil guy, but now that he has (even more) incidental value???
The double red really makes him a bit of a tough sell, but if you read him as "

: deal 2 damage", I guess you could do worse, and there's potential for recursive shenanigans with the body. If it was

I'd probably consider running the little dude myself already, so if your drafters don't mind the commitment (they probably won't if they're red players hahah - am I right, ladies?!), then by all means, give it a whirl!
What bothers me about the concept though is that cube-worthy Delirium seems to be looking like a



strategy for me, whereas some of the better enablers are


. Considering this, I'd suggest you be mindful of:
a) what kind of "delirium deck" you're offering,
b) how fast those decks want delirium enablers, and
c) what enablers fit the deck in question
Seeing as red isn't much of a delirium colour, and how this is kind of a slow way to help it along, I'd be wary of just jamming
Ember Hauler under the mantle of "incidental value" if his odds of being
in a delirium deck are rather low. However, if you're packing red with discard-style filtering, then maybe looking to plant a

fast delirium stompy deck or

delirium/reanimator thingie.
tl;dr - Be sure the tools you provide are going into the hands that want them.