I wish the Omens appealed more to me, it would be really cool to be able to use
Oath of Nissa and
Once Upon A Time to get instants and sorceries for green spell velocity decks. Unfortunately, the dragons just kind of disappoint me, and I'm not really sure what I would like them to be. They would appeal to me a lot more if they were smaller guys with funny effects, but design-wise it makes a lot more sense for them to be something expensive and scary. Big flying lategame beaters just aren't my thing though.
Got revealed a good while ago, and I feel like my blue is getting a bit compromised on just good foundational cards at the cost of neat build arounds, but I do think this is a pretty cool card to convert your cantrips into extra copies of
Beast Attack,
Inspired Tinkering and other fun things. Kind of wish it was red just because I don't think I have the space for it in blue.