With Kamigawa entering the stage, I've decided to work on two of my new year's resolutions: simplifying the cube and ironing out it's main themes. NEO itsself has added 8 new cards to the 180 cube, which is more than 4% of the cube now. This puts it on par at second place with MH2, although both are still dwarfed by ELD (with 16 cards).
Main Themes
Each color has been given 2 main themes. Support for the monocolored themes can be found in every color, although the enablers are only in its main color and in artifacts. Each color pair has been given an additional theme that is a little more obscure and can realistically only be drafted when you draft both. In general though, the overlap between these themes (hopefully) makes a whole range of different decks viable.
Aggro is often seen as the deck that keeps a cube in check. Because of the size of mine, I'd like most of my aggro payoffs to be roleplayers in other kinds of decks as well.
Giant Slayer and
Faerie Guidemother, for example, have an adventure side to them as well, but still fit in an aggro shell. This does make aggro decks slower than norma, but I feel like that's a necessary sacrifice to make in a 180 cube. Blue can support this with evasive threats like
Spectral Sailor, while read can bring some damage through
ETB is supported by blinking creatures and returning them from your graveyard. In a way, this can also help an aggro deck get a little more resilience. White has a few army-in-a-can threats like
Blade Splicer that can be utilized by aggro, ETB, or both. These kinds of cards can also be found in Blue and Red.
Flash is a nice theme to support because it leads to more reaction and insteraction. Half of the Blue section consists of instant spells, with some additional creatures with flash to boot. Both Red and White have similar, although less extreme, setups. Add Cycling or Clues to that mix and a Blue player has a broad ray of opportunities to do stuff during their opponents' turns.
Rewind might be my favourite kind of synergy with this strategy, as it's solely useful if you have something to follow the untapping of your lans.
Drawing cards is useful regardless, and gaining additional benifits when doing it makes you feel even more powerful. While there's a few ways to add payoffs to a cube, my favorite (recent) kind of payoff is the "draw two cards a turn" as can be found in
Ethereal Investigator or
Faerie Vandal. It makes cards like
Witching Well fell like enablers. Especially red has a lot of enablers here; see
Faithless Looting. White lacks a little in carddraw to contribute much.
Artifacts are amazing, and Red likes to both sacrifice and revive them.
Goblin Welder has left my cube with this update, but I try to keep his kind of effect active.
Goblin Engineer or
Daretti, Scrap Savant give similar vibes, but bring something unique to the table too. It gives Red an opportunity to create all kinds of incremental value engines. White and Blue house some artifacts to help support this theme in their color as well.
Discard goes hand in hand (heh) with carddraw. Cycling is a good example of this, but looting effects in general are quite present throughout the cube. This also combines quite nicely with the artifact (graveyard) strategies Red has. In general this theme is bolstered by the abundance of looting effect Red has received, which is nice. Blue supports this with most of its carddraw shenanigans. Underfortunately White is a little lacking here as well, although cards like
Seasoned Hallowblade support it a little.
Azorius brings some Golem action, which has some overlap with the ETB strategies in White and artifact strategies in general. I've added a lot of creature that are apparently Golems, like
Gingerbrute and
Guardian Idol. They also work with the Modular theme in Boros. Modular in general is a very interesting mechanic to build around, as it works with artifacts, recursion and +1/+1 counters. There's a lot of opportunities for overlapping strategies and multifunctional cards there.
Then Izzet, which provides a spell velocity deck, best summarized through
Sprite Dragon. It's a very soft theme because the synergies between Blue and Red are already quite strong through their shared looting-related themes, which coincidentally support that spell velocity deck quite well.
If play with novices (or people who haven't been playing Magic for a while) often enough that I want to reduce to cognitive load of the cube as much as possible. Both decreasing the number of keywords and increasing the amount of cards using a single keyword help in this regard. A few months ago people on this forum wrote about the (amount of) different keywords present in their cubes, and I'd like to replicate that here. I excluded evergreen keywords, and tried to defend each keyword's inclusion:
Top Keywords:
- Hybrid mana (19 instances): this might hardly be a keyword, but certainly isn't evergreen yet.

sit at the center of the kind of cube I want the Jeskai Cube to be, as they can subtly exclude a color, which brings more variety in deckbuilding. This is especially true for card like Dominus of Fealty with full Hybrid mana costs. I don't see this keyword ever moving out of the cube.
- Cycling (12 instances): amazing keyword. It supports two of the themes in this cube (carddraw and discard) and gives more modality to spells. The fact that most cycling costs are colorless gives options when you're color screwed. This is another mechanism I don't ever see leaving the cube.
- Adventure (9 instances): my favourite keyword, and the reason that Eldraine has the most cards in this cube. I beautifully integrates the noncreature core of the cube with its creatures. Like cycling, it adds modality as well, and is quite easy to grok. I hope this keyword will return soon!
- Flashback (8 instances): another very popular keyword, giving spells in the graveyard more utility. Generally, Flashback just gives a player more options. It can often be seen as two spells in one card, which is useful for multiple effects in the cube. There're also synergies with the discard theme.
Keywords I want more of:
- Jumpstart (4 instances): very much like Flashback, with a little bit of discard sprinkled in. Radical Idea and Chemister's Insight Even pull double duty by synergizing with both carddraw and discard. The biggest strike against this keyword is the amount and quality of the cards with it, but as it is the keyword is a perfect fit for the cube.
- Rebound (3 instances): can also be seen as two spells in one, but for often a very small price. A nice little keyword with unfortunately not a lot of impactful cards. It has been brought back several times though so I'm hopeful for its future.
- Modular (4 instances): really a dynamic keyword if you think about it. It combines artifacts, sacrifice and +1/+1 counters in one word. It's also synergistic with every piece of +1/+1 counter support under the sun, because it both uses and grants the counters. MH2 really opened my eyes to its potential and I hope it will be brought back.
- Prowess (4 instances): almost evergeen, but not quite. The essence of any nonceature cube. The only reason the number of its instances is so low is because a lot of creatures have semi-prowess, like Burning Prophet. WotC promised they would bring this keyword back more often so I hope its presence in the cube will grow!
- Crew (3 instances): which might actually be everygreen. It's another keyword that combines creature and noncreature elements into one. Vehicles might actually be closer to Equipment than creatures; they feel more like creatures, while still triggering Prowess.
- Reconfigure (3 instances): speaking of Equipments, this might be one of my favourite recent keywords. I like it much better than Living Weapon, and it seems a lot easier to comprehend as well. Before NEO, I really wanted to add Bestow to this cube, but Reconfigure has cooled me on that. It's just so much nicer, and works wonders with Modular.
Keywords that might slip away:
- Splice onto instant or sorcery (2 instances): great keyword, shame it's under-utilized. It might be a difficult one to fully comprehend as well, because it has some weird interactions here and there (like with Rebound). One major factor while it's still hanging around in the cube is that both Splicer's Skill and Everdream are directly tied to main themes in it.
- Historic (1 instance): ah, yes, the keyword always sitting on the sidelines. I really enjoy batching keywords, but the problem here is that Historic is closely tied with Saga's. Since NEO I've been wanting to add some more enchantments to the cube anyway, but it's always difficult to justify new cards coming in. Hopefully the upcoming Dominaria set reintroduce Historic in such a way that I cannot ignore it anymore.
- Untap symbol (1 instance): I don't like
, but I do like Crackleburr. I'm always running out of viable Hybrid cards to add anyway, so this one might leave the cube once WotC realized how underused Hybrid mana actually is.
Then there are ability words: Channel (3 instances) and Imprint (2 instances). Although the cognitive isn't as present here as with the keywords, the additional word(s) are something I'm not the biggest fan of aesthetically. The flavour words like
Oswald Fiddlebender's also fall under this category (and are quite indistinguishable from ability words in cube). For now they stay, but I'll be eyeing opportunities to remove ability words as well for the same simplification goals.