It's quite amazing just how much overlap there is in the books I've read with you people. Recent books I've read:
Started Discworld (Guards! Guards!, The Colour of Magic, Equal Rites, Mort) and loving it. Brave New World, which is that wonderful brand of classics which is engaging and very readable. The Emperor of All Maladies which is very good for a non-fiction injection in your reading plan, albeit a bit slow at times. Then I read a collection of Short Stories by Pratchett which I found at the airport because I had finished all the others; there was one called 'The High Meggas' which was the basis for the new series he's done with some dude called The Long Earth. The short story was pretty amazing, so that might be on the short list for further reading.
Next on the list: Blood Meridian, A Confederacy of Dunces, more Discworld.
One author I've been hugely impressed with lately is China Mievielle. I can't recommend it enough. His Bas-Lag series, starting with Perdido Street Station, is urban, gritty fantasy. Rather than the rural small towns of conventional fantasy, this is a modernized society, and he pulls it off perfectly. Embassytown was supremely interesting, though that might be colored by my pseudo-linguistic background, but the concept in and of itself was just mindblowing. The City and the City is a crime book I can get behind, thoroughly mind-warping and surreal - probably the best book I've read in the last five years.