drafted Gift's cube! Definitely higher power than mine. Seems like the bots need some work on their pick orders, y'all should go help them out
Anyways, Drafted a mean looking UW tempo deck, with a definite Blink Subtheme. First picked Baby Jace, and followed it up with a Venser, shaper Savant. Probably didn't optimally deckbuild, because gottagofast (like snappy + 2? targets? woops), but it still looks like a blast to play. I know it's a deck I've pulled together before in my environ, just, ya know, sans Mana Crypt, among others. Have the wicked mean Strip Mine/Crucible combo built in, and Relic Seeker'ing for a Sword of Feast and Famine seems like gas.
On a side note, it's obviously YMMV, but I strongly dislike Upheaval. Card slows the game down soooo much, and those are just games that I personally don't find attractive. Still loved the drafting though, and at one point had to choose between Mana Drain and Mana Vault! This was like.... 7th or 8th pick, btw, hence the call to arms for drafting.
I actually agree with you on Upheaval, and am still trying to find a suitable replacement for the slot: Blue needs a reasonably costed win condition that isn't a creature, and I swear that this is the only one that exists, for some reason. If you have another suggestion for me, please let me know! I'm dying to find one.
I can't find the post anymore, but Ben & I worked this out sometime in the summer of 2013; I made a casual suggestion to him for Riptide support, and he had it working within a day or two. The guy is awesome to work with and just a pleasure to talk to all round. I agree, I think it's super sweet that we're right up there with MTGO .dec exports!Also how cool is it/how long has it been that CubeTutor has a dedicated Riptide Lab export feature?
I took a crack at GiftsForgiven's, and jeeze, you were not kidding about the power level.
I also think the bots need tuning, because I third picked Jace, the Mind Sculptor, which would never happen in real life. I think I first picked a Chrome Mox and second picked a land to keep myself open. Took Jace 3rd, obviously, snagged Gideon 5th or 6th, and snapped up every sweeper I saw, which were a lot.
I didn't get to test it yet, but I have high hopes for Crush of Tentacles. I saw the standard deck and fell in love with the card. It's another card that slots very well in a UG build, I think.
That is a very focused mana curve. With 2 creatures playable before turn 4, surely Wrath and Day are great in that deck?
Do you mean just in this deck or in the cube in general?First-picked JAOT, pivoted very quickly into a Master Transmuter control strategy. Looks fun, but the Pyromancer / welder themes are tearing each other apart.
Do you mean just in this deck or in the cube in general?
Thanks. Had me worried there for a second.Oh, just in my deck! I always forget that Transmuter can return herself, so I probably would've run maybe 2 fewer artifacts for some spells out of the sideboard.
Drafting safra's Sharzad cube.
I immediately feel compelled to mention that fetchlands should not have color indicators.