General The Duplicate Voucher System

Pod it is then

My list:
Legion Angel
Cloudfin Raptor
Birthing Pod

My text:
You may trade Duplicate Voucher for a card on the list.

Here's the final version scaled down:


And a direct link to the hosted file on Dropbox. Should be large/high enough resolution for you to get printed easily.
Thanks, that's really kind of your friend! I do need a different text at the bottom for my cube. What program can I use to change the text to “You may trade Duplicate Voucher for a card on the list.” or could your friend help me out with that?

The word ‘trade’ is something we use in our cube whenever one card becomes another. It will seem super neat if cards with that effect use the same wording :) I also plan to include only one of your vouchers in my cube so we can easily cut the wording from ‘this Duplicate Voucher’ to just ‘Duplicate Voucher’ like Magic cards are normally worded when they reference themselves. See Clone as an example. Maybe ‘for a card listed above’ is better than ‘for a card on the list’ actually :p Now that Wizards have introduced a concept called The List.

You may trade Duplicate Voucher for a card listed above

I’m sorry to bother you again with this :(
It would be using Photoshop to access the .psd file and making the change to the text. I'll give it a look when I have some time, should be a relatively simple fix.
Thanks, that's really kind of your friend! I do need a different text at the bottom for my cube. What program can I use to change the text to “You may trade Duplicate Voucher for a card on the list.” or could your friend help me out with that?

The word ‘trade’ is something we use in our cube whenever one card becomes another. It will seem super neat if cards with that effect use the same wording :) I also plan to include only one of your vouchers in my cube so we can easily cut the wording from ‘this Duplicate Voucher’ to just ‘Duplicate Voucher’ like Magic cards are normally worded when they reference themselves. See Clone as an example. Maybe ‘for a card listed above’ is better than ‘for a card on the list’ actually :p Now that Wizards have introduced a concept called The List.

You may trade Duplicate Voucher for a card listed above

I’m sorry to bother you again with this :(

Here's a smaller version of the final:


Final copy at higher Resolution for printing at 300 DPI is hosted here.
Also, because I totally forgot about it, I also had this handy little Legend created a while back to help my drafters understand all the extra cube features:


I've been using stickers in the inner sleeves to keep track of these various draft features and eventually made a handwritten legend to explain them for new people. This one, however, is WAY nicer than the piece of folded paper with stickers I stuck into a sleeve.
My plan to print Duplicate Voucher is to add the picture into a Word document and have a printing company print out the one single Word page.

Is there a better way to do it?

Chris Taylor

You could go to and have this actually printed directly onto a card, but I'm not sure that's worth the effort for what, 9 of these at most?

Word docs printed by staples is how I do things