OK, so the intent isn't that people will argue and tell other people that they're wrong for running custom cards, but to the discuss the advantages and disadvantages. I took the jump a month or two ago, and its gone well.
Learning Curve - People don't know the cards. Granted, people don't know half the cards in my cube anyways.
Ugly - Print some decent proxies, its not that hard.
Some people think custom cards are stupid - If you use good looking proxies of well designed cards that aren't excessively powerful, this seems to be less of a problem.
If you know what your environment needs, you're free to design cards to fill those roles.
Opportunity to support/create undersupported/new archetypes.
More variety. Where's a power-max cube would run less 1 drops/worse 1 drops because there aren't enough, and a riptide cube would run multiples of its preferred 1 drops, you can make your own to keep some variety. As far as 1 drops go, this mostly applies to blue, though the colors vary in variety of options.
Learning Curve - People don't know the cards. Granted, people don't know half the cards in my cube anyways.
Ugly - Print some decent proxies, its not that hard.
Some people think custom cards are stupid - If you use good looking proxies of well designed cards that aren't excessively powerful, this seems to be less of a problem.
If you know what your environment needs, you're free to design cards to fill those roles.
Opportunity to support/create undersupported/new archetypes.
More variety. Where's a power-max cube would run less 1 drops/worse 1 drops because there aren't enough, and a riptide cube would run multiples of its preferred 1 drops, you can make your own to keep some variety. As far as 1 drops go, this mostly applies to blue, though the colors vary in variety of options.