General The Most Powerful Card Ever

I'm now tempted to get a pile of these old vanguard cards and just try stuff like 'everyone gets one random vanguard dealt in the middle of the draft'. It's not something for every draft, but it would be interesting to see the impact on my low powered format :D

See? This is why we have threads like these that don’t seem to have a super clear purpose at first glance!

(not pointed at you specifically, Ravnic)
As Chris pointed out in another thread today, MPCautofill will fix all of these pesky money problems.

But on the actual topic, I think that even drafting these would be way too swingy. The way I'd balance them is by covering the life/hand size modifier and figuring out a way to auction them (in exchange for starting cards & life total modifiers) before the draft would be the best way to deal with things this broken. As an added bonus, you'd then be drafting around the knowledge of what everyone has.
Also to answer the original question, what do you think about this

is it 2 mana to effectively have double turns for the rest of the game?
The catch is that you have to split your lands and initial resources, so you take a huge tempo hit. It never worked quite as well as it read for me in UST.