I spend all my video game time... playing card games. War of Omens and SolForge, specifically.
I wish I'da mentioned em on here when the Humble Bundle had starter packs for those games. Well, at least they're F2P, so nothing's stopping you from checkin em out.
War of Omens just does everything right with the UI. You never go through a tutorial that explicitly tells you "every time you play a card, your deck is shuffled. do you get it? alright, now click OK to continue." - you just
KNOW that it does that because you can
SEE it happening each time you play or buy a card.
Speaking of which, WoO has really sweet deckbuilder mechanics that only could be done online. In person the shuffling would be just too much work. Check how these two things interact:
- Every time you buy or play a card (with some exceptions), that card goes into your deck and your deck gets shuffled. This means that even when the cards you choose to play are no-brainers, any kid could pilot your deck, etc... the sequencing is still VERY important, especially when you're playing an All Cantrips deck, because every action you take manipulates the probabilities of your next draw.
- You draw 3 cards from your deck every turn, but your hand size is 4. So every turn, you can (and generally should) "pocket" one card in your hand to improve your odds of drawing better cards from your deck. You can't autopilot that decision either, because you might want to play all your coins and buy something with it this round, or you might even pocket an early-game card and play your basic coins into your deck so that you can buy expensive late-game cards a tad faster.
It's just super slick all around. I don't proselytize for it much, though, because as yet there is no way to challenge a friend to a friendly match - you have to both hop into PVP at the same time and hope to run into each other. If/when they add that, you can bet your butts that I want to see you all in there. I play it on
Kongregate, but people who love DRM and hate chatrooms can play it on
Solforge... not much to say about it. It's like Magic... constructed decks, math porn, etc. Bombs/finishers tend to be less surprising, though, because cards level up when you play them, so when your opponent plays their big bad level 3 whatever, you saw level 1 and level 2 versions of it already and you know what to expect. Draw 5 fresh cards each turn (no "pocket", sadly), play 2 of them. If you do play this one, you start out with shit-ass cards and gain new ones kinda slowly. I'd recommend logging into Kaelari's Ladder and asking someone to gift you a playset of commons and uncommons... people are pretty generous with those, and most of em are playable.