Masques was definitely much, much worse then Urza's block. While Urza's block was in retrospect poorly designed, at the time it was a lot of fun. It played completely differently from Tempest Block and had lots of fun decks. It felt new and fresh. Nobody liked Masques, the games were never fun, six people per table drafted white and all the decks looked the same. It was universally panned AT THE TIME, which is a lot worse then panning them now that we have the hindsight of lots of great formats like Time Spiral, Ravnica, Odyssey, etc.
Ice Age draft was also unplayable, but it was the first "draftable sets" so I can cut them some slack. Masques came out after 3 enjoyable sets in a row, so there is really no excuse for it.
I'd put the bottom three as
3. Old Core Sets
2. Ice Age
1. Masques