VibeBox Presents: Combo Cube!


this thread is now an ongoing series of strange cubes i spit out.
questions and suggestions are welcome
oddball cube ideas are cool too, if you suggest it i might just make it out of boredom ; -)

Currently: Combo Cube!


Combo Cube

Oath, Eggs, Storm, Alluren, Cephalid Breakfast, Bomberman, ToothnNail, Tinker...ect.
Choose your weapon.


Jank Cube

it's a shitty world where black is the ramp color, blue is the aggro, red is controlish, and w/g just wanna get their enchantress on.
i have no earthly idea why i ended up spending so much time on this. it started as a place to dump bad cards i had a soft spot for and had to cut from regular cube, but then it took on a life of its own and the colors got bizarro color pies.


Token Wars!

war has been the single minded obsession of a plane for generations. as resources are depleted and dwindle, the fever pitch intensifies over the remaining mana sources. the scope of magic has become limited as it is further weaponized and used to support the endless stream of fresh recruits.
can you marshal your forces to victory?


I CT drafted it and liked it. Heretic's Punishment control!

I run an embarassing number of these cards in my 100% serious cube.

I did notice you are running both Skyshroud Troll and Wolfir Avenger, which seems wrong as one is just blatantly better then the other.

Chris Taylor

Let alone Waterspout Djinn.
Is this cube jank enough for


Are you Hannes?



I love this. A lot.
thanks, i do too for reasons i can barely articulate.

I run an embarassing number of these cards in my 100% serious cube.

I did notice you are running both Skyshroud Troll and Wolfir Avenger, which seems wrong as one is just blatantly better then the other.
i wouldn't be embarassed. most of these are actually cool cards that just got offed by power creep and/or just don't fit in most cube's color pie.
wolfir avenger is probably too strong and will get cut if i see something neat. green is not my strong suite.

Is this cube jank enough for
i was worried chisei just wouldn't have enough counters lying around to even be playable, but tbh i didn't really check.
love that card though and it will probably go in the Durdle Cube with heavy counter themes


This looks loads of fun!


I wouldn't know, this cube is purely theoretical project. I just put it together on CT because it intrigued me.
I don't even have a playgroup currently : -(

thanks to everyone who saved decks after their drafts. it amuses the hell out of me to see how people navigated the environment.
it is now my goal to win a riptide draft so I can force the format to be jank for a week


if I had to guess about the cavern I would say it's probably bad. like giving your opponent a conditional rishadan port. likely only playable in this format due to the proliferation of cipt lands.
I haven't even finished drafting yet, but any cube that lets me play stasis+luminarch ascension.... is a thing.


when a mod sees this please change this thread title to "VibeBox Presents: Token Wars!" , tia ^_^

CT's comments in spotlight thread drove me to do something i already wanted to and made a cube without a single creature spell. only token producers.
then the flavor turned to an eternal war type situation where the scope of spells had been reduced, the power of mana had depleted and everyone was singlemindedly focused on waging war.

i hope it's worth a couple mock drafts, i love looking at people's saved decks.


i already tried to tone down blue and after a few mocks i can already say it's too strong and has to get re-nerf'd


i've actually created a few cubes since the last time i bothered to update this thread.
what brought me to it though was the sheer amount of time and effort i dumped into combo cube.
i was never happy with any of the combo cubes i'd seen. the only one i actually liked (kranstuber's) still used "Utopia" lands which i want to avoid. it became hard to keep white relevant but i think i got there with help from a friend.
i ran a couple drafts on cockatrice and to my surprise people really seemed to like it. i'll be playing on there from time to time now and i hope to see some of you on there to give it a whirl.

i'm still not 100% happy with the white section, and i'm afraid i may have gone a bit overboard with the redundancy. i wanted to make sure if two people went into the same deck they wouldn't hamstring each other with a single pick, but perhaps it's too much on some of the cards.

any suggestions for other combos (specifically infinite life or mana) are much appreciated. only keep in mind i'm trying to avoid overly narrow 2 card combos such as illusions/donate.

eric if you could update the thread title to be "Combo Cube" instead of token wars i would appreciate it.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
holy crap, this looks awesome. i don't watch enough vintage or legacy to recognize all of the shenanigans going down, but this seems like a really sweet way to do a powered list. love all that fast mana, across a buncha colours.

i know of your distaste for planeswalkers so i won't ask where Tezzeret is

one question: is there hate bears

Chris Taylor

You might like this cube: The Draft Crab

If it has an exoskeleton, it goes in the Draft Crab. If it does not have an exoskeleton, it does not go in the Draft Crab.

Like most silly cubes, it will never be finished.

Jank cube is definitely my favorite of the three you've got so far!

And the award for strangest cube idea of the year goes to....


You might like this cube: The Draft Crab
If it has an exoskeleton, it goes in the Draft Crab. If it does not have an exoskeleton, it does not go in the Draft Crab.

haha, odd. i'll keep it in mind for you when i do future card searches ; -)

this seems like a really sweet way to do a powered list. love all that fast mana, across a buncha colours.
yeah what i hate about powered cubes is how much it relies on what you open/get passed. i might sit down to a game with 2 mox, mana crypt, and ancestral while my opponent casts a savannah lions. we're not gonna have a fair game and opponent did nothing wrong just didnt open sweet shit. this way everyone should get to play in the backdrop of "we all have manas and can do broken shit"

i know of your distaste for planeswalkers so i won't ask where Tezzeret is

one question: is there hate bears
the other tezz is better actually, but they're both very powerful in these kinds of environments.
re:hatebears no, i actually avoided ANY kind of efficient bodies. there's basically nothing in this cube that can swing faster than the average deck should be able to combo off. the red zone is a secondary consideration to the decks in this environment.
in fact even a lot of the non-bodied hate i ended up taking out. i want people to be able to go off consistently if they built right. i cut like 3 null rods, most of the counterspells, ect.

holy crap, this looks awesome. i don't watch enough vintage or legacy to recognize all of the shenanigans going down
i know this may look like a real jumble to some so i'll outline some of the main "packages"

oath is a deck

everyone knows storm of course

can work too, especially with

full english breakfast

does several things so here's some of its bffs

once again you could use sunbeam spellbomb with or without sanguine bond.

there are several flavors of "cheat a giant into play" so you can build it however you like

this guys has some good targets

plus some of the other nice one's we've already mentioned.

there's some value two card combos around as well

you can get infi storm with either

and can make infinite mana with about 4 or 5 cards
each color has an insta kill with infi mana
white one, tbd


Seems like the best way to figure out what's working is to draft it. I'd be up for that in a week or two if anyone else is


i've been running it on cockatrice the last week, surprisingly easy to get it to fire, people seem amused. yall should come hang on there more often
there have been some changes already since i posted this. some players gave helpful suggestions for tweaks

a few observations:
thopter sword and oath are effectively the aggro of the format, and they aren't particularly strong
oathing for salvager combo was actually the more effective use that i saw
i was worried second sunrise based decks wouldn't be very good and/or people wouldn't want to play them, i've played against several of them and they are quite good.
krark-clan ironworks is basically a format pillar
disenchants are soooo strong and important to prioritize in drafting
infinite life isn't all that good against non thopter/oath decks
i still want more variety in the white sections but im at a loss. i need more white based combos