Sets What cards from Theros are you playing?

Again, I'm fairly surprised that I've got quite a few cards from this block from my cube. I think the general perception is that it wasn't that great a set and the mechanics are fairly constrained. I've got

And all the temples.
Honestly surprised myself with this. I was one of those people in the "Theros block is pretty bleh", but it's got a solid representation in my cube!



Ecstatic Orb
Do notice that between us we're cubing a lot of different cards as well. There's hardly any overlap between my list and shamizy's for example!

I forgot Banishing Light in my cube though!
I'm running:

also Thoughtseize and Magma Jet but they're reprints, right? I was running Eidolon of Blossoms but cut it for a different enchantress
That and dragon's maze must've been some recent contributors to the decision of switching to the 2-block format.

I think this is a fine assessment. In Theros they really just wanted to show of Constellation. Constellation is awesome. But they had to fill all this fluff in, and design so many cards! It's really a crying shame. The natural segue from Bestow/Heroic to Constellation would have been stellar. Also the idea of curving Devotion into mechanics that want you putting permanents on the board. Sigh.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
For a block I thought I hated... I'm running way more cards than I realized! A full 8% of my cube is comprised of Theros cards (!). My green section in particular is heavy on Theros block all stars.


Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Also, I think monstrosity is the best new keyword of the last five years. And I wouldn't be surprised if this block played a large part in turning scry evergreen, when everyone realized how subtly reducing variance is good for the game. Maybe I don't hate this block as much as I thought!

Chris Taylor

Also, I think monstrosity is the best new keyword of the last five years. And I wouldn't be surprised if this block played a large part in turning scry evergreen, when everyone realized how subtly reducing variance is good for the game. Maybe I don't hate this block as much as I thought!

It's on my short list of "Keywords that pitch to force" I try and sprinkle on more of my cube cards.
Its also kinda flood insurance
Yeah I like monstrosity a lot. It's kind of like morph in terms of adding mana sinks to the late game to keep momentum building, but without the hassle of worrying who's got the list of morph dudes in your cube memorized. It's also a good way to promote "counters matter" on the side.
I think i've cast satyr wayfinder more than basically any other card from Theros block, unless we count infinitely recasting Voyaging Satyr. Theros got me to play a lot more green decks while it was around!

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Yeah I like monstrosity a lot. It's kind of like morph in terms of adding mana sinks to the late game to keep momentum building, but without the hassle of worrying who's got the list of morph dudes in your cube memorized. It's also a good way to promote "counters matter" on the side.

Yes! I mean, I don't do anything special with +1/+1 counters in my environment, but just having ramp targets that don't cost six mana and upwards - while still being great ramp payoffs when the time comes - is the best part about monstrosity. Really hoping the keyword returns, as it would seem like there's still design space to be mined.

Born of the Gods as Homelands isn't that far off, because they suspended monstrosity in favour of tribute. :mad:

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I think i've cast satyr wayfinder more than basically any other card from Theros block, unless we count infinitely recasting Voyaging Satyr. Theros got me to play a lot more green decks while it was around!

I have so many great stories about Satyr Wayfinder, in the context of cube alone. Just last night, my BUG reanimator deck all but had the game locked up against my white weenie opponent, as I'd returned both Sagu Mauler and Terastodon to my board (with all the elephants on my side, natch). Still, my opponent was at 30 while I was sitting at 6, and he had a team of tiny animals, so I was taking a measured approach to attacking his life total, lest he swing back for lethal.

Having dredged a bunch over the course of the game, my library was growing thin. Still, I felt like it was worth my while to dig a little deeper with Compulsive Research, to try and lock up the board once and for all.

Me: Man, my deck is getting thin. There's only four cards left.
Him: You're going to mill out!
Me: Nah, I think I got this, you're down to 9 now. Attack with Sagu Mauler again.
Him: What's this under my Fiend Hunter again?
Me: My Satyr Wayfinder.
Him: ...
Me: ...
Me: ...
Him: Wayfinder returns to play for you! Mill your last four cards!
Me: ...

Somehow we'd both missed that interaction for the six turns prior... until the turn it really mattered.