General What is the best retail Sealed environment ever?

I might have to go with Innistrad. Llorwyn and Time Spiral were also great.

We did an Old Ravnica + New Ravnica sealed once, which was quite fun and unique.
I remember m13 being pretty good. Maybe it was m12.

Side note, what part of texas are you heading to? Not often that people voluntarily come here :V
A fellow displaced Austinite, cool deal. (I ended up in Houston, not quite the same journey)

They did all-Ravnica sealed (in Japanese) at GP houston as a big side event, I missed out but my friends' decks seemed sweet. RtR block sealed felt a bit too bomby.

Innistrad as a better draft format than sealed, a lot of otherwise unplayable synergy cards floating around.
m13 is a really solid limited environment. Go with full block ravnica though the fixing and hybrid go a long way to making sealed feel more comfortable while the midrangey way it played sorta was leaning toward sealed anyway.
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