Card/Deck White Support Cards

I think we should start a conversation about what white decks we like in cubes, what it takes to support those themes, how many archetypes are interested in the cards and what we think might be problematic.

White has a lot of stark divisions and a lot of cards that make it in mainly by power level. Maybe this is a sacred cow issue but maybe figuring out what you wouldn't ever wana cut and what that works that might work for you, but saying that reminds me of people who think balance / upheaval decks are integral to the format.


Ecstatic Orb
In my cube I've got (broadly) white-based aggro, white-based attrition, white-based tokens, and white-based control. Some of those obviously overlap!
I'm guessing we all run roughly the same themes in each color. Maybe a couple cubes are really off the beaten path, but how many of us are not supporting white aggro? Or white control? Or green ramp? I'm guessing none.

The only theme I have in white that probably not everyone supports is blink. I love blink and as my group still plays with damage on the stack, it's very good. I've been wanting to add a prowess theme based on all the success I've seen others have with it. I feel it would be complimentary.

As my group plays a ton of multi-player, true hard aggro doesn't get drafted much. So I've liked the idea of evolving it into more of an aggro-control theme. Still aggressive and able to exploit early game, but with some CA engine or disruption so that it also has a late game. Speaking of draw engines in white… I tried Mentor of the Meek, but he was just a tad slow. I really like that design though as it's a CA engine that only aggressive decks can utilize (and it's a rare card that midrange can't utilize all that well too).

Chris Taylor

After playing a bit with valorous stance in standard, I love the thing, and I'm adding 2. Cube ain't all coursers and brimaz, but I'm sure it'll be alright

I love having a removal spell that I don't feel bad drawing against control, and that while it doesn't kill everything, there's enough targets it's actually a mode you think of (whereas sylesnya charm has so few targets I sometimes forget it does that)
How is return to the ranks?

whoops, didn't see this!

it's been okay. CMC 2 instead of power 2 (like 'llark or Alesha) hurts a bunch, but it's better than it looks. sacrifice decks like recurring a bunch of dudes (and can tap tokens to Convoke!), weenie decks get scaling wrath protection, i haven't tried it in Pod but i think that might be exciting. It should probably get cut at some point, and it's not as impressive as i'd like (custom version? what would this look like?) but my cube has 55 targets for it so if you're anywhere near that i'd say it's worth a try if you're really interested.

e2: disregard this post, the card blows chunks

Chris Taylor

whoops, didn't see this!

it's been okay. CMC 2 instead of power 2 (like 'llark or Alesha) hurts a bunch, but it's better than it looks. sacrifice decks like recurring a bunch of dudes (and can tap tokens to Convoke!), weenie decks get scaling wrath protection, i haven't tried it in Pod but i think that might be exciting. It should probably get cut at some point, and it's not as impressive as i'd like (custom version? what would this look like?) but my cube has 55 targets for it so if you're anywhere near that i'd say it's worth a try if you're really interested.


That's what I've been running, and it's been amazing. 3 >>>>> 2 and being an instant makes it much much better I've found (See Orzhov Charm for this awesomeness nobody cared about since that card was vendetta 99% of the time)