My latest favorite flavor is a more aggro/control identity. I've dialed back some of the token support because frankly it leads to unwinnable game states against some decks and it encourages hate drafting and side boarding (which slows things down and moves the game away from casual and into a more competitive flavor - not what I'm after personally).
Instead, I've found you can build dynamic aggressive WW decks which can curve nicely into anthems. Or if the early game doesn't come together or the other guy has answers, you can play for the late game with some value plays.
Karmic Guide is still very much a thing in my cube and it's a hard play to defend against for a lot of decks. It's also very complimentary since if you overextend or end up with a bunch of dudes in the yard against a heavy removal deck, that is pretty much exactly when lark/guide does the most damage.
Eternal Dragon is also under appreciated since it gets you a land early and combos with
Karmic Guide late game (or you can just put it back in your hand if the game goes super late).
Cataclysm is pretty damn great too since if you get an early start you can stick a solid threat, keep an enchantment and artifact and really hose your opponent's board development. It can also reset the board if you get behind (but not in a stupid way like
Balance) or secure a game if you are ahead. I've seen people use Cataclysm to stall the game and deck their opponent too. Not the greatest way to win/lose a game, but that fits nicely with how I see white (resilient to the end).
Straight all-in WW aggro IMO doesn't take advantage of all the tools white has. And frankly, Boros just does it way better since red's removal can double as late game reach whereas white's removal (while solid) cannot fill that role.