Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

no idea! Is this like for bombardment / xathrid decks lol, for control decks with fetch hijinks or what? weird combo kills?

I think a 3 mana faiths reward is also kinda cool because it's just a super solid combat trick.


While I've never played him in my own cube, Sarkan the Mad has always impressed me in my friend's cube. He's also a card I see misplayed a lot (as in player chooses the wrong line of play, not player doesn't understand how the card works), for whatever reason, which is a reasonably good sign for a cube card.

Chris Taylor

no idea! Is this like for bombardment / xathrid decks lol, for control decks with fetch hijinks or what? weird combo kills?

I think a 3 mana faiths reward is also kinda cool because it's just a super solid combat trick.

On that note, there is a more limited option:

Cheaper though!

Chris Taylor

All day every day. All joking aside, it has never actually been cast in my cube, since I usually put it it, and then take it out again in the next update, without ever having had the time to play with it inbetween.

People kept on casting it on evoked mulldrifters, but I can't remember off the top of my head weather there were other targets in play they could have made use of, or if they had the mana to do so
I've played with that in peasant it was pretty okay there but you aren't really aware of it's limitations until you've actually played it.
I also just like faiths reward because it works it's way into more funny situations and more decks. I'm looking at you Chaos Orb lol.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Undying evil is already pretty borderline, I don't imagine paying one more for a sometimes worse effect is where you want to be.
What I learned in peasant is that it's not that great in aggro decks because of your 1 toughness saturation. It doesn't seem great in most other decks that aren't like value rock dekcs because I feel like you don't have the consistent creatures you want to put back into play or you aren't trading them very often so the card seemz dead.

a 3 mana faith's reward on the other hand would be sick.
Okay so quick question, I know I've had fun beating people with this card, but I don't think it was a very tasteful or negotiated sort of fun. I've also had a really boring or anticlimactic time losing to it or beating trying to play it. Does anyone really think this is a fun and cool and healthy card?

I mean, I know Lily3 is also a powerful card people have been known to groan about in limited but I feel like when I beat it I've had an interesting game or my deck is doing something I built it to, and when I win with it I feel something very similar and the strategies it supports are a lot cooler to me.

Like even a card like swords to plowshares that can feel like a real groan test when you face it in 3 games in a match and it completely negs all your creatures special survivable circumstances feels like a way more pleasant card to play against or win with (my experience) than this kinda innocuous aura.


Ecstatic Orb
I think it's a way better card to promote red beatdown strategies than Sulfuric Vortex. (Though I reincluded that in my cube recently... why did I do that?)

Some people also like to lay down the beatdown, nice and simple, rather than break out the calculator at every corner to eke out a victory.
I think it's a lot better to punish "I'll leave back my 1/1 to block" then other cards, and plays fine on-curve into nothing unlike say hammerhand, which you want to save for the critical block moment. I don't think madcap is oppressive at all since it risks the typical aura 2-for-1 for power. Things like geist will always make them look much better, of course.

Chris Taylor

I think it's a way better card to promote red beatdown strategies than Sulfuric Vortex. (Though I reincluded that in my cube recently... why did I do that?)

Because despite it not being the crutch it is in cube lists with a billion thragtusk/timely reinforcements, it's an interesting card drawing the game ever closer to it's end with a real downside?

I've played my fair share of decks that would lose to it, but I wouldn't call those decks good by any stretch.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I don't think it's oppressive, but the question is, does it make your games better? I can see what Lucas is saying about bad Madcap games, but I don't really have a clear verdict on this one.

Chris Taylor

I don't think it's oppressive, but the question is, does it make your games better? I can see what Lucas is saying about bad Madcap games, but I don't really have a clear verdict on this one.

For the record to everyone else, I've seen enough people lose with it in play having cast it ages ago that I feel it deserves a spot :D


Ecstatic Orb
Sulfuric Vortex did result in a brilliant game where the opponent of the red player proclaimed "This card is lame, cut it from your cube!" after the first game, then "Haha, this card is awesome! Never cut it!" after the red player lost to his own Vortex in the second game :)

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
It's really swingy in the same way that Baneslayer Angel is really swingy, except for the aggro beatdown archetype instead of white control. I can see not wanting to run it for that reason.

The last time I saw it, it was on a Prophetic Flamespeaker and taking out my life total in large chunks. I'm keeping one eye on it.

Chris Taylor

I feel like it's one of the few auras I can run that really feels like it packs a punch on a creature without double strike, but doesn't just instant kill someone if the creature does have double strike (As with the flamespeaker example above, that's still 3 unblocked hits before lethal unless you've hit yourself for 4, and that's not a short amount of time)