General CBS


Enjoyable read was had. You made the weekend sound positively tolerable, though I still have achieved no real understanding of how anyone copes in America without prevalent strong coffee...


Enjoyable read was had. You made the weekend sound positively tolerable, though I still have achieved no real understanding of how anyone copes in America without prevalent strong coffee...

big portions!
As-fan is a lot easier to calculate in cubes than in sets, however if you want a calculator to do it for you, here it is.
Because I needed the info, here are some as-fans for the dropdown-arrow WotC sets, which were not calculated by the site:

Creatures (or token creature spells) that have the Warrior subtype:
as-fan of 1.79 // as-draft of 5.36
Cards that care about Warriors:
0.39 // 1.16
The above combined (cards that ARE, or CARE ABOUT, Warrior):
2.00 // 5.99

Fixing (seem to be no fixing artis; just a few lands):
0.17 // 0.51
Multicolor cards (all of the C/U are Flashbacks; the actual gold cards include only one rare and 3 mythics)
0.83 // 2.48
I think I'm gonna be in a coverage cube draft this weekend. Do you guys think I should go in as my sassy riptide character? Proselytizing riptide ideas? Be just normal nice Lucas like IRL? Keep up a bad accent all evening? Bring snacks for everyone?
I think I'm gonna be in a coverage cube draft this weekend. Do you guys think I should go in as my sassy riptide character? Proselytizing riptide ideas? Be just normal nice Lucas like IRL? Keep up a bad accent all evening? Bring snacks for everyone?

Be sassy, bring snacks, and leave them wondering whether or not they made a mistake and if they'd like to have you back in hopes of more snacks.

You'd be surprised how far the offer of any free food and/or drink will get you.
Yeah it's gonna be at 630 at A&C games on friday, no idea when it's gonna be up, but he says it's not gonna be his best qual footage because he's gonna be doing one per week!
Wait Lucre are you in that video?

No that was other myles content, myles is the guy that introduced me to cube in like 2003 or 4 and he's come to the cubenights I did with Eric and Chris Taylor. He had that channel for a while doing youtube trading but now he's excited to do casual magic content and coverage of canadian events.
He was also the guy I was telling you guys about who was my buddy in the feature match for the win and in at GP Ottawa a lil while ago, who got dreamcrushed on camera lol.

He might have my thing done next week. I hope he does another draft next week of his budget cube because I'd love to win another silly pack of MM20015, and maybe wear something cuter next time.
Going to another Noob Cube video draft on Thursday, but this time we'll be drinking!
I think I'm gonna put a little more effort into looking cute and not being hungover this time because I can't imagine what I'm gonna look and sound like on the first video lol

Hopefully he'll have crammed in some bouncelands and I won't be eating up 8 early picks on fixing again!
Yeah I totally needed to work on my radio voice on that one, I think I was just too light headed from all the unexpected winning.

This weeks winning was more expected lol. I tried to remain cocky all night and it sorta payed off confidence wise! Tournament report incoming! The guy beside me also had a draft cam running so there should eventually be video commentary for that too. Great group, cheap beer, eminently draftable cube that essentially cost Myles zero dollars to put together. It seems to be rolling out pretty well and Myles says his number of subs has doubled within the last couple weeks.

They said they're gonna try to edit the footage together so I seem like a villain, but I'm also gonna have to take a week off from the coverage drafts because they need to mix it up a lil.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Repping the double fetches and double shocks - GO LUCAS! For his fixing situation, I don't see why Myles can't just run gainlands, guildgates, and Invasion duals and call it a day, though. I assume that the cube is a turn or two slower than the typical non-budget cube, and an aggro deck would still much rather have a tapped dual than no dual at all (see: Gatecrash and Khans of Tarkir limited formats).

But, yeah, these videos are badass and you're a star in the making, Lucas. No joke.

Also, holy, Progenitor Mimic in a budget cube?! It's kinda crazy good in my Modern cube :eek:
hey may have axed that one, but honestly I think UG would like freaking reward. The assemble is pretty powerful too but it doesn't really win the game very quickly and there are tonnes of relevant enchantments and artifacts laying around so utility removal isn't exactly wasted space. Think the problem was that my deck didn't give people the opportunity to really take advantage of the turns where assemble was bad for me. Even when things were looking tough and like I was becoming seriously outclassed on the table I would have bounced and killed something already and have at least one relevant body and like two tokens to keep me in the game and discourage attacks. I think that card really confuses people too. I saw a lot of missed attacks while I had that thing out.

Last week I was WUr Wraths and eternal dragon this week I was WRu tokens. Both were basically no fun for opponents.