General Fight Club

I guess I just have a thing for triggered abilities over EtB effects...

I mean I love some EtB creatures...but I dislike a critical mass of them. Feels better to earn something by doing a little more than just casting it successfully...

I agree with you in principle. I like triggered abilities and I don't think all 4 drops should impact the board immediately via ETB. But Ogre really is only worth his cost if you combo him, and even then it might not be amazing because it happens so late in the game. Giving a bunch of dudes haste and +2/0 is useless if your opponent has a bunch of guys in the way. And that's where I found him to be inconsistent. Basically, if the path to my opponent is clear, Ogre is overkill. I'm winning anyway. If I'm losing or the game is close, this guy just doesn't do enough most of the time.

Hero of Oxid Ridge is a similar card, but it's much better because the effect happens sooner and it gives some form of evasion to make the effect consistent(ish). Ogre has a higher ceiling obviously, but more often than not it has way less impact I found (again in limited testing).
Is Obsidian Fireheart any good at doing things other than being a 4/4? Also, anyone here care for Cyclops Gladiator outside of his mana cost? I like how he looks on paper but idk how good he could end up being. Seems fair, especially in my Theros-based cube where he helps devotion and wears enchantments well. Am I once again the oddball here?


Ecstatic Orb
Am I once again the oddball here?

Obsidian Fireheart seems way too slow and inferior to the other red 4-drops. Cyclops Gladiator has been great fun in my casual Dolmen Gate deck (go ahead, look it up). The card is definitely cool to play with, but I don't think it stacks up well against the other options. I guess if it's fun though, that doesn't really matter?
While I realize red has quite a few good 4 drops, I'm trying to stray away from the commonplace Hellriders,Heroes, and what have you. I love red haste dudes, don't get me wrong. Red's my favorite colour in magic. But there has to be more options than just the same few we always see in cubes around here.
While I realize red has quite a few good 4 drops, I'm trying to stray away from the commonplace Hellriders,Heroes, and what have you. I love red haste dudes, don't get me wrong. Red's my favorite colour in magic. But there has to be more options than just the same few we always see in cubes around here.

Fair enough. I certainly think there is a lot of potential to push the token theme. Lots of cards for that and Purphoros to make it all attractive plus support in many colors. The other thing I like to try and support is some combo and big red pieces. Goblin Welder, Sneak Attack, Bogardan Hellkite, Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, Wildfire, Crater Hellion, etc.

Chris Taylor

One thing to consider about obsidian fireheart is he does have some of the best rules text in recent memory, among such greats as hundred-handed one...

lands continue to burn after obsidian fireheart leaves play

Quality templating that is

Edit: Funny I never noticed that two functionally similar bombs have the same artist....

2nd Edit: Apparently being a 7/7 makes you twice as big as a 6/6 as far as art is concerned....see pelakka wurm, titans, and various others to see more of this interesting observation.
Is Obsidian Fireheart any good at doing things other than being a 4/4? Also, anyone here care for Cyclops Gladiator outside of his mana cost? I like how he looks on paper but idk how good he could end up being. Seems fair, especially in my Theros-based cube where he helps devotion and wears enchantments well. Am I once again the oddball here?

(the land continues to burn)


Ecstatic Orb
Rats! Someone sold me the wrong decals over the internet! Anyway, still had to scratch that itch to see if I could print satistfying proxies. Here's the result :) I put them next to a real Vivid Meadow and Fire-Lit Thicket for reference.


I am not displeased! Definitely should print them slightly darker and a bit more vibrant maybe, and they are noticeably thicker, but I couldn't tell them apart during a rifle shuffle, and they definitely look and feel decent enough that I would not flip out.

PS. The wording on Eroding Glacier is wrong. It should be "Each land card in your hand has cycling {3}.".
PS2. I'm also missing the "THIS IS A PROXY! NOT FOR SALE!" notification at the bottom. I should probably fix that.
Baloth seems better at first glance due to trample and FREE tokens....but not having lands to play consistantly at that point in the game seems like a very real issue...
Meanwhile the Hydra provides a bigger body and an ability that will end the game a lot faster, but it DOES require a big mana investment that if responded to could put you way behind....

I like both of them. I think hydra is more rewarding to play and a little more interesting, but if the Baloth is strictly better by a large enough margin then I can't really justify the hydra over the baloth.


Ecstatic Orb
Except the Hydra's body doesn't actually finish games faster, because it can get chump blocked for days. It's definitely the better mana sink though :) It's also a different body than Primeval Titan. If you run that card, you might want to play the Hydra to create some diversity statwise.

sweet land
Thanks! :)

We should probably start a separate thread for proxied cards.....
Aaaaand you're probably right :)


Ecstatic Orb
Awesome... Bought sheets today that were suitable for inkjet, according to the sales person. They're not, the ink immediately spreads and blurs. Guess I'll have to go to a copy shop to print at a laser printer there...

I had Sarkhan Vol in my cube for a while and he was kind of fun, but he gets boring after a while. Plus on any semi-decent board with creatures, he's an utter monster. Domri Rade feels like he has a lot going for him but I've never tried him out for my own. I think Xenagos would be a LOT easier to love if he wasn't so similar to the OG Garruk.

So if you want to support red tokens and threaten effects, Sarkhan is awesome and his ultimate can happen more frequently than you'd think.

I can't speak for Domri other than that he seems cool to cascade into with Bloobraid Elf.

If you run any Garruk besides OG Garruk, Xenagos is definitely a planeswalker I can recommend as a solid choice. Especially if you have any respectable number of X spells and abilities.


Xenagos is actually kinda cool, Sarkhan is a role player, I can't imagine not running Domri

I like Ghor-Clan Rampager and Huntmaster and to a lesser extent Bloodbraid and as 2RG cards already

The main idea I have here is that guild sections can only be so big (though the fixing in these Cubes means it can be bigger than grim Mongo cubes' spare offerings) until they begin to quash diversity. Ditto 4's. This was an idea I used to be super-uncomfortable with but have grown more sympathetic towards.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
CML brought up some interesting ones in the other thread. I don't have room for all of them, so.. FIGHT!



Ecstatic Orb
Soldier of the Pantheon is the most efficient one (and unreliably ties into the lifegain theme). Doomed Traveler ties nicely into the sacrifice theme and provides insurance against sweepers. Boros Elite has the highest upside but, as a 1-drop, takes a while to hit that upside. What holes are you looking to fill?


Doomed Traveler is awesome and will never leave my Cube. I could just be being an idiot about Boros Elite