I would no recommend cutting Reclamation Sage for this for the same reason I'm not a fan of running stuff like Disenchant effects in gold slots in general. Those are much needed answers, that as many decks as possible should be able to play. This guy goes in
, the single color combination that has the most answers for artifacts/enchantments anyway, while it is much harder to play for
If really needed, a card like Reclamation Sage can even be splashed. When you drafted a
deck and you can't beat the opposing
Loxodon Warhammer or
Opposition you can possibly go for a green splash post-board and have a good answer. That's no option with this knight.
Also, shouldn't gold slots be much more interesting anyway? You have what, 6, 7, 8 slots for mono green three drops and maybe half that much
-slots in general?
This card is really good and cool, and if you're okay with swiss-army-knife-cards like that, which are always good in any situation, go for it. But don't cut Rec Sage