Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight


Ecstatic Orb
By the way, one of those customs was created to complete a cycle that is currently exclusive to the allied color pairs. These are great, great cogs, and I believe any low-power cube would benefit from adding these.

You should use your cube blog to stream of conscious your ideas. We can act as a whiteboard for you to bounce off of, and hone them. Even writing to yourself can help you hone and articulate them better.

Ideas are seldom perfect in their first form, and usually requite a gestation stage to reach full maturity. I don't think anyone here is going to attack you for presenting an unfinished product to talk over and refine.

You're probably right. I've only avoided doing so because I feel like I throw up my concerns of the guys make detailed thoughtful posts. I never have time to return the gesture.....I make a ton of revisions. Lather, rinse, repeat. I just don't want to take advantage of the generosity on the forum.
I think the blog section is intended for this purpose. I write to myself there all the time not even really looking for or expecting feedback. It's very helpful to get thoughts down. You can compare them to previous ideas or preconceptions and see how things have evolved. And then figure out why that is true if you can, which then enhances your understanding of the game and of the cubes you are building. I'm always learning something new. As soon as that stops, I'll know it's time to move on to other interests.


Ecstatic Orb
You know, Genesis is definitely on my (pretty short) reprint request list. It's one of the very few old border cards in my cube.

Ha! I bet people won't guess those six when I ask them which cards in my cube haven't been printed in a nonfoil version of either the 8th edition or the new border.

Technically I run an old border version of Assault // Battery as well, but that's my own fault :)

Apart from those seven, there's not a lot of super old stuff going on anyway. Only 29 30* other cards pre-8th edition cards, for a total of merely 36 37!

* Sorry I forgot you Rith, the Awakener!

For those interested:
Guided Passage was recently features in a legacy deck video series by Andreas Mengucci. He does great videos on the format, if you can get past the accent (which has drastically improved since he started making videos, interesting to watch them from that perspective) then you're in for really cool content regarding legacy.


Ecstatic Orb
Guided Passage was recently features in a legacy deck video series by Andreas Mengucci. He does great videos on the format, if you can get past the accent (which has drastically improved since he started making videos, interesting to watch them from that perspective) then you're in for really cool content regarding legacy.

Cool! I remembered the card from back when I still played 60 card casual decks with friends. One of them had a really cool Guided Passage deck, so when I was looking for a replacement for Maelstrom Wanderer (which didn't get picked and was actively disliked by some) I went looking for a copy and lo and behold, I still had one somewhere in one of my shoe boxes :D Card is indeed a sweet 3 for 1, and possible build around. I'm excited to see what comes of it :)
Guided Passage seems super super time consuming on resolution. Reveal the cards in your entire library? The whole thing? Opponent then finds three cards (each with a set of criteria) and essentially gives them to you? That's like a 15 minute spell. It's fine for online Magic but with physical cards that sounds brutal. Weren't people complaining about Gifts Ungiven taking too long? This is way worse than that.
Guided Passage seems super super time consuming on resolution. Reveal the cards in your entire library? The whole thing? Opponent then finds three cards (each with a set of criteria) and essentially gives them to you? That's like a 15 minute spell. It's fine for online Magic but with physical cards that sounds brutal. Weren't people complaining about Gifts Ungiven taking too long? This is way worse than that.

Why even play magic if your turns aren't going to take half an hour?


I never actually ran Eruption, and its a cool card, but I have some concerns about how it would play.

In its original format the mana accelerates were also creatures, so it very nicely worked as a ramp target that could turn late game mana dorks into something impactful. In cube, I would imagine it happiest in a format defined by mana dorks, where it could act as a sort of craterhoof behemoth.

In a lot of cubes, I could see a lot of configurations where its either very so-so, or a draft trap. If your tokens decks are defined by small token makers--mogg war marshal, krenko's command etc--those are generally better in decks gravitating towards a low CC. Mixing high CC token payoff cards, with low CC token makers in an aggressive color, would sometimes result in these split intentioned decks, with an aggressive portion made up of tokens and a ramp payoff portion, and they needed to be drawn in a proper order.

They would have all of the same problems of a ramp deck, but none of the actual ramping.

The other issue is that when you run it in an unfocused midrange shell--say something without saproling burst--I would imagine you get a lot of board states where its not much of an upgrade, and due to the vanilla creatures in cube, probably a downgrade even where the base stats are lower. 6 mana is a lot, and there has probably been a fair amount of back and forth by that point, with a couple threats picked off by removal or combat. Maybe you have a board of anywhere between 1-3, 3-5cc threats at that point, maybe some of those are lingering 2-3cc threats? But if you're not about to win, probably a fairly mediocre board.

And a few 4/4 non-evasive tokens can be surprisingly easy to deal with. We've been running sandwurm convergence over here (really cool card), and that extra point of power and toughness on the tokens makes a big difference.
vs. vs. neither

I'm leaning to Fracture just because I'm a sucker for the art and old border, but could be talked out of it.

Dom Harvey

This seems like a case where it's hard to make a useful suggestion. Fracture is the obviously better card but is that the right cost for that effect at your power level?
The answer might also be:

Has anyone cubes any of these though? They look good if there are few ETB creatures, but unplayable otherwise.
I'm kind of amazed there's this 2-->6 curve of "Bounce two creatures" spells throughout history :p

2-->8 actually

I'm not sure either if Withdraw is low power. That thing creates some nasty blowouts.

On one hand, high power envs tend to have more ETB creatures, so bouncing two of the opponent's creatures is less advantageous. On the other hand, bouncing one of the opponents creature and one of yours with ETB comes up more often.
You're probably better served with Arrest or the Arrest variants. That creature being able to block kinda sucks, kinda nullifies the removal aspect of it.

Stab Wound isn't the worst though. It's probably worse than Dead Weight in most all scenarios, but it's still fine in aggressive decks where minimizing a big creature + the 2 life could be relevant.

But I think both of those are worse version of cards that are already low power.