I feel like I tried this at one point, but I couldn't find it in my cut cards mse file. My guess is that its probably pretty good, but naturally limited by the power of the spells you're getting to flashback (and its color).
Hey! You actually ended up using the Brawl mechanic! How does it play?Alright sure, something that hasn't been done yet, but still feels white. I'll give it a shot, not like it'd be the first time I shat on the color pie for gameplay reasons
It's not bad, but not really exciting or powerful either? You could just use Bygone Bishop's or Mentor of the Meek's text on aAnyways, how does this look?
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Sadly Reconnaissance is already a card, or I'd use that (It's actually a decent one too, gives all your creatures vigilance since you can activate it during the end of combat step)
It could also say draw then scry 1, but A) I wanted to distance this from serum visions, and B) I think investigate fits nicely with the "giving you info you'll use later" feel of the card.
Spying is blue, and scouting is green, but this is somewhere in between, and the people doing the scouting are commonly white
So I think I've stumbled on an answer to the white brainstorm question
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I mean it feels white (Bargaining), but in a way that's good enough to be playable, since you do always get what you want. What do you guys think?
I kinda don't want a brainstorm variant that can fuck you though, and villain's ability to make sure you draw a land certainly can fuck you.
Instant is mostly for prowess concerns though, so that can change.
There's also the issue that Court Machinations will never get you a card you want (I've also had this problem with epiphany at the drownyard)
For Eg: Lightning Bolt, Land, Land with your opponent at 3 actually ends up with you worse off than before.
Edit: Wait no, your opponent chooses what goes on top, not what goes on bottom. God just reading all these, they're blending together! I hope my drafters don't feel this way...
Fuck it. I'm gonna try machinations.
7 mana - 5 damage, 5 lands > 6 mana - 4 amage, 4 lands > 5 mana - 3 damage, 3 lands
I was wondering if the number 3 variant might be too powerful, because it's much easier to build around. I think the number 2 variant is a lot fairer, once again, but probably a lot less desirable. Basically the deck you want to have a 2 damage sweeper against is the same deck that would gladly have "each player sacrifices two lands" as a side effect on one of its spells.The thing is that's also a power level curve
5 toughness is a tall order, but the idea that someone's turn 4 might be not a 3/4, and then they've got maybe 1 permanent in play?
Part of makes wildfire at all fair is that A) theres a surprising amount of persist and/or x/5's that other decks will be playing like Sidisi and Polukranos, and that your deck also wants a bunch of things that survive wildfire, so your curve is absolutely awful.