Reef Worm gives you a lot of time on defense, and if anything is slightly too good against


in my list (all the removal will trigger) unless you're able to go wide. No one has really abused sacrifice effects, and I don't expect them to since those decks are typically lower curve and not blue. It's about the best card you can hope for if you're interested in doing something crazy on turn 7 but need to survive until then.
Alesha has more targets in that deck than I remember, but I don't think it's a great fit in that one, really just playing removal magnet and first strike blocker. I'm excited to see it an aggressive list that takes real advantage of it something like:
Shen Yun kind of did a more fragile yet powerful
geist of saint traft impression by being a cheap win condition that the control deck can use to protect and end the game really quick. I was the aggro deck, and couldn't risk racing it, because it's pretty easy to just take 8 (
silent departure your blocker, pay for trigger, swing[/c])
Tasigur seemed really sweet and I didn't appreciate at first that a T5 casting a 4/5 and leaving 1 really good thing in the yard is really rough. 4/5 is a big body in my cube and that helps stabilize the board long enough for you to take advantage of the ability. I really like it so far.