Yeah, I doubt it's great either, but uh... I don't know, fetchlands? Maybe? Worth a test?
Do you have a Golgari enabler in mind?
A lot of the original graveyard design was supposed to revolve around different ways to generate card advantage, while more recently its been shifting to more tempo based offerings (delve). Its important not to mix the two up, especially if the format isn't about card advantage. Like lucre said, mixing in a bunch of semi-narrow, durdly, card advantage cards with gravecrawlers, bloodghasts, and carrion feeders that can't block is a recipe for disaster. Its better to have the graveyard interactions focus on something the cube is already about.
There is also a division between graveyard cards that care about dudes in the yard, lands in the lard, or just want things in the yard. The latter (delve) is better for incidental support; however, its going to be very difficult to support both land based graveyard strategies and creature based strategies, incidentally, in the same cube. The creature based ones are easier, due to the reanimation effects and sacrifice themes we already runs. There are generally a lot less broadly applicable ways to get lands into the yard--fetchlands being a trap, because again, they tend to be dispersed around the format since everyone wants them.
One really nice for those decks are cheap disposable creatures that buy time and slow the game down, or cards that work well with sacrifice themes. This is a much better way to fill up the yard than narrow enablers. Both ramp and graveyard decks can benefit from a card like sylvan ranger or sakura tribe elder: a card neutral play that ensures you hit your land drops, slows the game, and puts a dude into the yard. Another card I really like (probably too low power for most people) is ambush viper, which does a lot: green spot removal that puts a creature into the yard. Evoke guys are also really good because you can get value off of them with sac. effects and they are good value reanimation targets if nothing else.
Basically, if the graveyard card isn't something you can just generally cast and be happy with, its probably too narrow.
I'd Entomb:
Okay, there is kind of a lot of... I feel like people in this thread are being unnecessarily dismissive. No, I don't expect durdly cards to be combined with a hyper-aggro strategy. I know Gravecrawler can't block. That's why when I was looking for a payoff card, my conclusion was to add more Delve board stabilizers like Gurmag Angler and Tombstalker.
Not sure how we can say Thought Scour is slow when it's a 1-mana instant speed cantrip that sees (saw) play in Legacy and Modern that replaces itself and puts 3 cards into the yard that interacts with Brainstorm and other top of library effects.
I don't really see Sakura-Tribe Elder as "incidental support" any more than Rampant Growth is. Both put a card in the graveyard, and aside from Meren (and Skaab Ruinator?) there hasn't really been any discussion of caring if creatures are in the graveyard (at least for me personally, I don't run reanimation). I guess tangentially STE gains some life against decks that are attacking on turn 2 and that is pro-durdle in some capacity, but it's not doing anything to accelerate you along the graveyard value axis.
What I found (and I'm super confident you guys will too) is that even with 25+ fetchlands and a super low curve, graveyards aren't filling up nearly as quickly in my format as in Modern or Legacy, so some cards that dump into the Graveyard sound like a great utility for fueling some sort ofRock deck that gums up the board with Turn 3 Delve creatures. Like what if instead of ramping into a 4-drop we "ramped" into a Turn 3 5/5 by playing some 2-mana cantrip that fills our graveyard and searches through 5 cards in our deck.
It feels like people are straw-manning some "Gravecrawler can't block" argument as a means to dismiss everything else going on in this thread.
Is gather the pack's spell mastery going to matter often enough for it to be better than commune with the gods? I feel like gather is better if slightly trickier to make better (need enough sorceries and instants but also enough creatures), but if you've got an enchantment theme going on already, maybe commune is better. Plus even if you're just playing 1 or 2 good enchantments commune can grab them.
I am mostly working with "consume anything in graveyard", with Skaab Ruinator in the mix. Minor "lands in graveyard" stuff which is mostly supported by Fetchlands / Wasteland.What Grillo said is very important: the graveyard matters cards can be broken up into multiple categories - any card in graveyard matters, creatures in graveyard matters, spells in graveyard matters, lands in graveyard matters...
Treat them as different decks that have intersecting cards rather than different versions of the same deck. Graveyard decks are trickier than other strategies because they LOOK like the same deck, so it's easy for a drafter to screw up and draft an anti-synergistic graveyard deck with Skaab Ruinator and Bonehoard.
The graveyard strategies I can pinpoint are:
Pick which ones you'll support and then run the appropriate enablers for those things. If you are supporting lands in graveyard, don't run Mulch, run Gather the Pack. For a fast reanimator deck, use Entomb, Frantic Search, not Nyx Weaver and Sphinx of Lost Truths.
- Creatures in graveyard (Ghoultree, Bonehoard, Living Death)
- Consume creatures in graveyard (Diabolic Servitude, Skaab Ruinator, Whip of Erebos)
- Consume anything in graveyard (Gurmag Angler, Dig Through Time, Deathrite Shaman)
- Lands in graveyard (Crucible of Worlds, Centaur Vinecrasher, Life from the Loam, Wildfire)
- Reanimate creatures fast (Necromancy, Animate Dead, Entomb)
- Spells in graveyard (Runechanter's Pike, Yawgmoth's Will, Deep Analysis, Ravaging Blaze)
About the green graveyard impulses:
2. The problem with the creature/enchantment gravepulses is that spending your turn 2 to find a creature/enchantment that you can't cast is pretty miserable in faster formats.
I'm still pretty ugh about thought scour in cube. I've played a lot of UB/x turbo delver decks in modern and pauper; that card is so miserable to cast if you don't have anything to synergize with it, even in constructed decks designed to abuse it. The fact that its a modern legal blue cantrip says almost everything you need to know. But ymmv.
RE the green graveyard impulses the only ones I actually like are mulch and satyr wayfinder. Getting lands early in the game are just better, and I want to be putting creatures rather than lands in the graveyard. I avoid too many non basics to avoid wasteland which I can understand as a less popular approach. I want creatures in the graveyard for
My list is heavy on the gy interactions if you're interested
Maybe you wasn't listening mate but maybe I wasn't being clear enough.