Thanks, glad you liked it.
You mentioned a while back upthread looking for "death matters" cards. I've always had a fondness for these two:
They're each a different half of Blood Artist!![]()
I had this card in before:
I found that it wasn't really needed.
Terraformer is simply attrocious here Hannes. It sets your Domain count to 1.
Sacrifice things: Gargadons, Reprocess, Varolz
What about Infernal Tribute? Or is the activation cost too high? The errata is to sacrifice non-token permanents, so it helps fight mana flood too!
Drafted this beauty:
Should have prioritized mana a little higher. Might be difficult to get green mana, but otherwise this deck is sweet. Multiple ways to get a turn 4 Bringer of the Blue Dawn!
I love the idea of this cube, and I'm excited to contribute to the process!
Just curious: What is the rationale behind 2 fetch, 1 ABUR dual, 1 shock vs 2 fetch, 2 dual?
EDIT: Drafted this too:
Black-matters ramp/control. I'm worried this deck just dies in the early game, but maybe the format is slow enough to let it get established? I feel like this deck would love something like Dark Ritual, Bubbling Muck, or even Mesmeric Fiend
Thanks for posting, those look like some sweet decks.
As far as your question, originally it was simply because that's what I have (1 cycle of shocklands and 1 cycle of duals). However, I have found that having both creates a fun dynamic. Do you fetch a dual land, or do you need the shockland of some other color combination badly enough to pay the 2 life? If they're all dual lands you just take the one you need most, but with the shocklands in the mix you have to weigh your options a bit more.
Cool. Thanks for your quick reply. I figured it was one of those two reasons.
This may seem trivial, and I'm not trying to knit-pick the cube having only recently started thinking about it, but I'm worried Gravecrawler lacks sufficient support in the cube. Outside of Wakedancer and Grixis Grimblade, I'm not seeing any Zombies, making me think that you're essentially playing a black Jungle Lion (which might be fine). Maybe Carrion Feeder should replace Viscera Seer or Butcher Ghoul could be put in for Thrill-Kill Assassin? I just think I would want a couple more zombies if I were going to draft a deck with Gravecrawler.
I think what I most enjoy about this cube is that there are very clearly supported archetypes without it seeming like you are being forced into anything.
Swapping it out seems reasonable. I was actually pretty happy seeing the U/B 2/1You're right, the Gravecrawler is currently pretty unsupported (it's one of many unpolished parts of the design). I have a lot of Zombie stuff in my main cube and am not sure how far I want to push it here. Maybe I'll just swap it out for another 1-drop (another Rakdos Cackler perhaps? not sure).