I'm not a big fan of what blizzard is releasing the last few years. Take a popular genre and make it easier so we sell more copies. Diablo 3 had the same problem (did that ever get a decent pvp?) Compared to D2, heartstone,..
Now they make a cc of tf2 which in turn was a slower, less deep clone of team Fortress classic.
I never was that fond of diablo in general, i played them all and enjoyed it when there were new places to go and new monsters to kill, but i never understood the appeal to grind the same places over and over again.
Diablo 3 was my favorite because it took out the useless potion spam, which was great

I know i'm really casual in the diablo universe, but hey each their own...
I liked team fortress 1 back in the day because it was so fast and hectic.
Tf 2 i really didn't get addicted to at all... I guess because most of the time in public games you could get hosed in some maps to players who just spam shit in one corner so you can't really push through.. at least that was the memory that was left after playing that game... spam shit all day and that's it.
Maybe i should have played with only friends so that wouldn't have happened, but i like to play as a lone wolf.
I was really sceptical of buying Overwatch, but i heard so high praises from my friends so i had to try it and i gotta admit it's a lot more fun game than team fortress 2.
I've played thousands of hours of dota, so all the skills and ultimates felt right at home in a sense. The heroes are a lot more interesting than in tf2. Also the spammy nature of the game can be avoided with certain strategies when things get tight. I don't know, i was really really surprised how much fun i've had with this one, can't recommend it enough really.
Again being a lone wolf has it's downsides sometimes.. i feel there are some heroes that are pretty useless if the team is going on their own and not going for the objective, but it's a minor note and also doesn't happen THAT often.