General CBS

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
I believe their point is that unless you're super experienced with the cube list that the initial cast of the spell is going to be a blank more often than not. I'm not sure why they put double black in their post - they may have thought there was a mana cost on the flashback?

Cube already favors experienced players over new and casual ones, so I don't like cards like Therapy that just make the gap between them even larger.

Depends on your playgroup. If your playgroup already is really experienced, this could the sort of thing they would love.
Depends on your playgroup. If your playgroup already is really experienced, this could the sort of thing they would love.

I agree. Cabal Therapy seems like a card that's really playgroup dependent. Additionally, I think it appeals to playgroups that are high-risk high-reward as well as playgroups that love to try to do the goofiest things possible. Hitting on a blind therapy seems like something that some play groups live for.

This is unrelated but I think Cabal Therapy is broken in the Brushwagg Cube. paying 1 mana to force your opponent to discard all of their threats? That's unreal. It's probably better than Mind Twist.
I believe their point is that unless you're super experienced with the cube list that the initial cast of the spell is going to be a blank more often than not. I'm not sure why they put double black in their post - they may have thought there was a mana cost on the flashback?

Cube already favors experienced players over new and casual ones, so I don't like cards like Therapy that just make the gap between them even larger.

The BB was actually just my bad, I mistyped and threw an extra B in there.
Had an idea earlier today. I like CBS for random cube discussions, but it's honestly tough to look up previous in depth discussions we may have had on specific archetypes. We've gotten used to the Riptide topic-jumping which has led to more organic discussions, but it would be difficult for a random new user to follow or even search up. Maybe we should have an ongoing series on archetypes throughout our community with a similar name/tag (Ex. Archetype Spotlight: GR Ramp).

For instance, sigh had a thread focused upon his Temur Engine archetype a few months ago that was really interesting that would be a great entry. It could be any archetype that a user has worked on in-depth and feels qualified to write a detailed writeup on (more like a primer I guess). We could have like one every 3-4 days to start until we build up a nice little collection. It'd be nice to have more easily searchable content that could be updated and revisited whenever, also possible content to include on the main page of the site. Like, if I want to start working on a dedicated Madness or Artifact theme with a Riptide design, it would be great if I could easily pull up a thread where we've had in-depth discussion instead of having to wade through search results or dig through various threads for info.
Had an idea earlier today. I like CBS for random cube discussions, but it's honestly tough to look up previous in depth discussions we may have had on specific archetypes. We've gotten used to the Riptide topic-jumping which has led to more organic discussions, but it would be difficult for a random new user to follow or even search up. Maybe we should have an ongoing series on archetypes throughout our community with a similar name/tag (Ex. Archetype Spotlight: GR Ramp).

For instance, sigh had a thread focused upon his Temur Engine archetype a few months ago that was really interesting that would be a great entry. It could be any archetype that a user has worked on in-depth and feels qualified to write a detailed writeup on (more like a primer I guess). We could have like one every 3-4 days to start until we build up a nice little collection. It'd be nice to have more easily searchable content that could be updated and revisited whenever, also possible content to include on the main page of the site. Like, if I want to start working on a dedicated Madness or Artifact theme with a Riptide design, it would be great if I could easily pull up a thread where we've had in-depth discussion instead of having to wade through search results or dig through various threads for info.

Hmm. Maybe we could add another "section" to the site like we did for Cube Blogs?
Furthering the organization requests, I feel that stickying Single Card Spotlight, Lower Powered Card Spotlight, and whatever the current Spoiler season thread is seems like a smart move. Maybe have a Past Spoilers Discussion archive for easy browsing of yesteryear hype and evaluations, as well, or make that tag more easy/"obvious" to search? Both the Kaladesh and Commander 2016 spoiler discussions aren't tagged as "Sets", which has been bothering me a bit in my site scouring.
Maybe a small wiki is what the doctor ordered?

Also, cloudblazer talk had me wondering: how had split second performed against value ETB creatures? I want to build a grid with astral slide and cloudblazer, but I'd like to try to arm decks with answers. Was thinking disenchant effects in green/white, split second in red/black, discard in black, countermagic in blue. Maybe trample. Can cloudblazer slot into a healthy midpower environment with blink?


Maybe a small wiki is what the doctor ordered?

Also, cloudblazer talk had me wondering: how had split second performed against value ETB creatures? I want to build a grid with astral slide and cloudblazer, but I'd like to try to arm decks with answers. Was thinking disenchant effects in green/white, split second in red/black, discard in black, countermagic in blue. Maybe trample. Can cloudblazer slot into a healthy midpower environment with blink?

I honestly think it would be fine even without tailored answers, and probably still a lot of fun. In these types of formats, I tend to find that people don't draft around answers a lot unless its something really good; and I don't think people would be going out of their way to grab a sudden shock. The only concern I have would be too many cloud blazers in the format distracting from the synergy you want.

What would be really spicy though would be to couple the blink effects with high CC flip costs on morph: the original brine elemental, momentary blink limited deck. Probably not strong enough for what you want to do though.
Anyone else seen this picture of purported Aether Revolt spoilers? They're pretty unquestionably legit, and completely unquestionably awesome.

The real highlight for me is Trophy Mage, which is a Trinket Mage that can find only 3-mana artifacts. *rubs hands together gleefully*
Anyone else seen this picture of purported Aether Revolt spoilers? They're pretty unquestionably legit, and completely unquestionably awesome.

The real highlight for me is Trophy Mage, which is a Trinket Mage that can find only 3-mana artifacts. *rubs hands together gleefully*

Yeah, I was medium on this one until I realized that it can find all the swords of X and Y.

And metalworker.


I'm sorry, but what the BALLS is Yahenni's Expertiese?

2BB, Sorcery

"All creatures get -3/-3 until the end of turn. You may cast a card with converted mana cost 3 or less from your hand without paying it's mana cost."

WHAT. Trophy mage is good, but WHAT IS THIS?!

So as a winter holiday project I want to put together a grid-drafting-stack to simulate Kaladesh limited (because it's soo goood) for me and my brother to play when we inevitably get bored.
I've never done anything like this, so I'll need some advice. I've read through some of Jason and Chris's grid draft stuff and maybe they can chime in too!
For starters, I was thinking of just shuffling together the a singleton of commons/uncommons and tweak from there. Should I try to include rares as well? I think I'd like to but I might end up with too many cards or too many bombs (wide power band). That could probably be ironed out through testing.

Which color would you exclude? I'm really not sure here because I like them all.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
So as a winter holiday project I want to put together a grid-drafting-stack to simulate Kaladesh limited (because it's soo goood) for me and my brother to play when we inevitably get bored.
I've never done anything like this, so I'll need some advice. I've read through some of Jason and Chris's grid draft stuff and maybe they can chime in too!
For starters, I was thinking of just shuffling together the a singleton of commons/uncommons and tweak from there. Should I try to include rares as well? I think I'd like to but I might end up with too many cards or too many bombs (wide power band). That could probably be ironed out through testing.

Which color would you exclude? I'm really not sure here because I like them all.

I would totally include rares, especially for spice. You can include non-bombs if you want, but I think if you only have commons and uncommons the games will be a bit too grindy.

If I were to omit a color here, it'd probably be white.
Venny, i am similarly interested in making a grid for kaladesh limited. I'll try to chime in add often as possible, but I'm in a brutal work period until end of Jan. If you ask Qs, I'll endeavor to answer!

Play some duplicates and triplicates of staple cards and removal.

Rares: yes!

Omit: hmmm... i am partial to white... i might cut blue or red. Alternatively, you could play 5 aether hubs and minimize two colors...

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I would also be open to running some non KLD cards, but that's just me. Throw in some SOM cards for proliferate and metalcraft or whatnot. Metalcraft + fabricate is a cool dynamic?


Ecstatic Orb
Blue is definitely the weakest color in Kaladesh limited. The power is very concentrated in a few key cards imo. I do think it's the easiest to cut, though all of the four Ux uncommons are super playable.
Blue is definitely the weakest color in Kaladesh limited. The power is very concentrated in a few key cards imo. I do think it's the easiest to cut, though all of the four Ux uncommons are super playable.

I like the idea of doing 5C but with 2 colors diminished, seeing as blue diminishes itself at C/U just by playability. Something like GWBur as a wheel. I like energy too much to cut blue also (maybe Aether Revolt fixes that with more energy!).