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I'm trying out Dynavolt Tower, as it feeds itself energy, and is a strong payoff. Not sure it works fast enough in a vaccuum, but still giving it a shot for spell-decks of any color.
Thanks, didn't even think to mouse over that one lol

I find Dynavolt Tower to be a tad too slow, you need to play 2,5 spells per activation (1,5 for the first). But maybe this is the missing piece for energy to be consistent enough in cube, dunno.


Ecstatic Orb
That's it imho, the other cards are too poisonous or not interesting enough (Greenbelt Rampager), are GRBS (Aethersphere Harvester) or have some play to them but may cause trouble (I don't like Whirler Virtuoso as I hate too many small fliers on the board, especially in other colours than white).
I've got an energy theme in my cube that I've tested quite a bit, so I've got some input.

Greenbelt Rampager is awesome with evolve, and plays really well with other energy cards, essentially turning 'on' a lot of the smaller pay-off cards as many times as you can spare {G}{G}. It's also a good beater on turn two (by paying {G} on your first turn and {G}{G} on your second turn). Depending on the rest of your cube, this card really has a lot more play to it than you think.

You're right about Aether Harvester. That card is not fun (imo).

Whirler Virtuoso is cool. The only way you are really getting an embarrassing amount of Thopters out of it is when you have either Panharmonicon or Era of Invention out, and that's a fine scenario really, at least in my opinion. On its own it never makes more than two or three Thopters usually, which is well in line. I think it's a pretty cool energy payoff card in Izzet colors.

Then there's some cards you missed.

Thriving Grubs is a card that is perfectly fine on its own. People still play Borderland Marauder and Gore-House Chainwalker, simply because 3/2 is a good stat line for red aggressive decks. Grubs have that 3/2 stat line, and can block as a 3/2 as well in a pinch.

Longtusk Cub is a nice beater that grows bigger and bigger. It's usually not too hard to get it through at least once if you land it early, and after that it can snowball nicely. It's definitely playable even without other energy cards, though it obviously gets better with them, as you can often start beating with a 3/3.

Thriving Rhino offers good stats and, like the above two cards by the way, plays very well with the +1/+1 counters theme a lot of us are playing. It's pretty unassuming, but a good card on the curve nonetheless. As a 3/4 for {2}{G} it's definitely playable without further energy support.

Bristling Hydra is another card that doesn't need other energy cards to be good. It's a 4/3 that shrugs off the first removal spell aimed at it and grows in the process. It's the threat of growing that matters as well, as you can often attack into a 3-power defense, knowing that your opponent can't really block because he'll two-for-one himself. Sometimes that's still your opponent's best option so he can at least use the removal spell in his hand to get rid of it.

Glint-Sleeve Siphoner is much better than you think. It's the first 2/1 menace for {1}{B} we've got, already making it one of the best bodies available in black at that cost! I think it's much less dependant on other specific cards to draw cards than Pain Seer, though the interaction between vehicles and inspire is cool :)
Can confirm that the Siphoner is very good. The fact that you can cash in for your first card after just one swing is really nice, in case the board gets clogged later. Will probably switch it in over the Asylum Visitor
The thing is that I want my individual choices to be balanced and I don't see cards like the Thriving-cycle being picked over other cards in their respective colours and mana slots ever. For me personally, Longtusk Cub falls into the category of being just boring, the same goes for Rampager (hell, I don't even play many Revolt cards that this guy could trigger).

Glint-Sleeve Siphoner on the other hand looks pretty playable (it seems you got me wrong on that one) but for it to be better than Dark Confidant you really have to play more cards providing energy. I guess I'll just stick with the confidant.


Ecstatic Orb
The thing is that I want my individual choices to be balanced and I don't see cards like the Thriving-cycle being picked over other cards in their respective colours and mana slots ever. For me personally, Longtusk Cub falls into the category of being just boring, the same goes for Rampager (hell, I don't even play many Revolt cards that this guy could trigger).

Glint-Sleeve Siphoner on the other hand looks pretty playable (it seems you got me wrong on that one) but for it to be better than Dark Confidant you really have to play more cards providing energy. I guess I'll just stick with the confidant.

The thing is that I want my individual choices to be balanced and I don't see cards like the Thriving-cycle being picked over other cards in their respective colours and mana slots ever. For me personally, Longtusk Cub falls into the category of being just boring, the same goes for Rampager (hell, I don't even play many Revolt cards that this guy could trigger).

Glint-Sleeve Siphoner on the other hand looks pretty playable (it seems you got me wrong on that one) but for it to be better than Dark Confidant you really have to play more cards providing energy. I guess I'll just stick with the confidant.
Does it need to "be better than confidant", so to speak? It's a different effect with different strengths and weaknesses. Like:
-Attacks better than confidant
-Loses you a consistent amount of life, as opposed to confidants random amount
-Siphoner interacts with energy, confidant doesn't
-confidant will draw you more cards
-confidant draws without needing to attack

So I think here we have two different effects that can work together, rather than just doubling on the slot

Edit: Onder beat me to it, and much more effectively :p


Honestly, at his power level my instinct is that he would just not run any of the energy cards. There are maybe a couple that would be playable independently, but its kind of ineloquent signaling (and expecting players to remember) a separate resource mechanic that in actuality only exists on one or two cards. Its kind of just needless complexity for cards you can live without.


Ecstatic Orb
Honestly, at his power level my instinct is that he would just not run any of the energy cards. There are maybe a couple that would be playable independently, but its kind of ineloquent signaling (and expecting players to remember) a separate resource mechanic that in actuality only exists on one or two cards. Its kind of just needless complexity for cards you can live without.

Naturally I'm going full energy support :p

Dom Harvey

There are a few self-contained Energy cards that are interesting - namely Aethergeode Miner - but the most appealing ones to me are the unique effects offered by Dynavolt Tower and Aetherworks Marvel* which both require a lot more support than you can reasonably give

*Though with Marvel you can try to combo it with Goblin Bombardment, Scapeshift, whatever


Ecstatic Orb
Dynavault Tower isn't actually that hard to support in a lower power environment, but you should probably think of it as a {U/R} card. There's a lot of cards in that color that support a cool spells matter theme, which also happens to play refreshingly different from creature-based strategies, even though you'll often be using tokens (per Young Pyromancer and Rise from the Tides) and/or creatures (Kiln Fiend and friends) to win. The density of creatures is a lot lower in those decks, letting you be much more reactive than traditional strategies. I love those decks, and Dynavault Tower is a worthy addition to the archetype.

Aetherworks Marvel has been anything but a marvel though. That card was seriously hard to make work in my cube (which has a sacrifice theme even) and the payoff usually wasn't even that big, because I cut down a lot of the expensive cards, and the high end cards that I do play are, for the most, not really good in the sacrifice deck. I cut it after a few tries.
I don't like Relentless Dead anymore as a black two-drop. What else could I play? My suggestions would be:

Rotting Rats - discard outlet, zombie, unearth
Skirsdag High Priest - rewarding the sac theme but is it reliable? sac'ing and tapping three seems like a big commitment
Undertaker - another discard outlet, and not as strong as Tortured Existence, but also able to discard lands

I liked Relentless Dead because it's a zombie, it's offensive and recursive but even if that's a lot, it doesn't pay off for the cost.
Right now, it seems like I'm adding the rats, although I'm really tempted to add Undertaker instead
I originally had the prowler in this list but cut it while writing down the advantages of the others, it's an aggressive flyer and a discard outlet, sure, but it also is an outlet for the opponent and dies to 1/1 flying tokens.

I still don't know if I like the energy guy, it seems like a hybrid of Looter il-Kor and Dark Confidant, both being better at fulfilling a specific role. The only energy card I like as a standalone card is Shielded Aether Thief.

Aston, did you already play with 2x Bloodghast? Besides the first one, I already have 2x Bloodsoaked Champion, 1x Gravecrawler and 1x Scrapheap Scrounger as recursive beaters.

For now, I'll stick with Rotting Rats, it's a cool card on paper, let's see if it is in actual play, too.
It's a change I've been meaning to make for ages but haven't gotten around to. I have 1x Bloodghast and 1x Nether Traitor at the moment.

Chris Taylor

Duel decks aren't really my thing, but:

That's some nice art. I'd love some opinions on weather the flavor text is cheesy or actually good. (Both?)

Also, draft observations:

BOAR TOKEN? Really? What is this the one green 3/3 token that isn't a beast? (Or elephant, if Maro was in charge for that block)
Duel decks aren't really my thing, but:

That's some nice art. I'd love some opinions on weather the flavor text is cheesy or actually good. (Both?)

Story-wise, it was pretty good considering what he's referring to. After he rekt the Gatewatch and nearly drowned Gideon to death, he released Kozilek from his slumber and Zendikar should have been doomed. But then plot armor ensues and Zendikar is saved by a group of planeswalkers who can apparently handle TWO COSMIC GODLY HORRORS with no issues. Oh, and they somehow jump Ob Nixilis and beat him up which makes no sense because this battle happened in the span of hours, not days.

Ob Nixilis was like the only good part of the entire BFZ block, the rest of it was straight trash.