Prompted by the ridiculous amount of Aether Revolt includes in my cube, I did a count on my cube to see which blocks contribute the most cards. Aether Revolt has to be my favorite block ever, it encourages everything I love about Magic, and hits exactly the right note on all fronts. The mechanics, the flavor, the story, the power level, the synergies. I'm talking "if I was forced to marry a Magic the Gathering block, Kaladesh would be my bride"-levels of satistfaction. Anyway, the count! I'm going by earliest printing (not counting Duel Deck and From the Vault previews) here, so the Kaladesh Inspired Charge in my cube counts for Magic 2011, for example. I also split out the lands, because they often come in cycles, artificially upping the count for certain blocks.
KLD block: 110
SOI block: 37
BFZ block: 12
Origins: 17
KTK block: 19
THS block: 13 + 5 lands
RTR block: 18
INN block: 20
SOM block: 15
ZEN block: 10 + 4 lands
ALA block: 14 + 3 lands (borderposts)
LRW/SHM blocks: 8
TSP block: 5
RAV block: 12 + 15 lands
pre-RAV expert sets: 52 + 6 lands
pre-Origins core sets: 18
Other (commander, planechase, Coldsnap, etc.): 22
Custom cards: 13 + 12 lands (2 of which are custom borderposts)
Original Ravnica is the last block with a significant number of includes, original Mirrodin has the most includes (9) of the pre-Ravnica blocks.
If I'm not counting the lands, my favorite blocks are Kaladesh, then nothing for a looooong time, then Shadows over Innistrad, then nothing for a while again, and then original Innistrad, Khans of Tarkir, Return to Ravnica, and Origins, all very close together. Invasion, the first set I ever played with, and probably my favorite before Kaladesh, is the old-bordered block with the most includes (6).
Does all this information tell you anything important? No, not likely, but I had fun figuring this out anyway