General Fight Club

Not really a traditional fight club, but can these two ever hang together in a cube (that does not explicitly embrace high power deltas?)

Yes. Snapcaster is way stronger, but archaeomancer can be cast without using the spell immediately. This can come in handy when the spell is expensive, i.e., you cannot cast it and snappy on the same turn, or when there is not yet a target for the spell. Or a combo with:

snappy cannot reuse the same spell, Archie can.
Not really a traditional fight club, but can these two ever hang together in a cube (that does not explicitly embrace high power deltas?)

I think it depends on the quality and efficiency of what you're bringing back. Snap is much better with a plethora of low CMC spells to let you really apply a ton of pressure with spell velocity. But if there are a lot of 3+ mana cards to recur then the gap between them is lessened. Even more so if you have something like a blink package to take advantage of Archaeomancer's recursion.
Both scale to the environment because they're only able to get back something from the environment. Snap is typically going to be better unless the cube's curve is so high that a spell's cost plus 1U is prohibitive.

There's a few things that Archaeomancer is better at due to not exiling the card, but those are atypical.

All that said, it's ok to have cards of different power levels in your cube. I don't think Snap is so absurdly above Mancer that it would be offensive to run both in a low powered environment. The primary thing I'd personally be nervous about is Snap into one mana removal makes a hell of a tempo ETB.

There's also a few other options in between the two like Sphinx of Forgotten Lore, Slickshot Lockpick, Ethereal Forager, and more that aren't on my mind.
I treated myself a retro frame snappy today.

So, now I want to replace Blood Fountain, which plays rather poorly for me, with a stronger recursion effect. which one do you like and why? I want to push slow, grindy black decks, that recur their etb value guys and drain the opponent out.


Chris Taylor

I think phyrexian reclamation is pitch perfect for you mate, it's got the inbuilt limiting factor of you've only got so much life to pay, worked really well for me back when I ran it.

Diabolic Servitude requires the creature you bring back to trade off before you get another go, and limits loops by exiling, but it does work better if you've got bigger stuff to grind with.

Unearth is an excellent magic card you might want to add for other reasons, but I don't think it fits the purpose of enabling a grindy deck, it's just a sweet one off thing, not a playstyle enabler.
I play with unearth, servitude and reclamation and I rank servitude>>>>>>>>reclamation=unearth.
Simply put, reclamation forces you to cast the card, and lets be honest no one wants to reclaim a 2 mana card (okay, a mom is powerful). The servitude is so powerful that it warrants a splash.

If you want a grindy recursion, which does not mind that the reanimate is a one off (which brings tension) then the servitude is your best bet (which is quite low powered). If multiple uses of the same creature are needed then the reclamation is the poison you need, but beware it is much slower and at the same time can use a creature more times (thing is, the life cost is often preventing you from doing that). The reclamation is often a trap for the user, as opposed to the servitude.

(this is all in a urza block cube experience)
I’m with Chris regarding your choices.

Another option that you’ve probably already dismissed because of energy

It’s pretty fair but strong and has built in restrictions that can be worked around. Is a sacrifice outlet and a repetitive noncreature cast.

The final level does what you want, but the other levels fit your various themes.
I treated myself a retro frame snappy today.

So, now I want to replace Blood Fountain, which plays rather poorly for me, with a stronger recursion effect. which one do you like and why? I want to push slow, grindy black decks, that recur their etb value guys and drain the opponent out.

The card you’re looking for is Whip of Erebos.